If we may trust anything from such a source, a
report in the New Prussian Gazette is calculated to strengthen apprehensions to which the recent slowness of Austria has given rise. According to that doubtful authority, Austria has just addressed a note to the Western Powers, declaring a position, views, and intentions, which she is understood to have declared months ago. Events have marched since she arrived at the point of acting with Germany, declining to accept "the four points" as final, and reserving to herself the right of eventually assuming the offensive. That was done before the Allies besieged Sebastopol ; before Russia had gathered forces to crush them ; before the relief of offensive action on the part of Austria was wanted as it is now. Thus to repeat the old declaration, is so much like a mockery, that we can only hope to discover the acquittal of Austria in the condemnation of the Prussian journal for a libel on the ally of its master.