The Future of Burma
The liberation of the greater part of Burma has made it a matter of urgency that the British Government should declare the steps it proposes to take to restore the pre-war constitution. The issue of a White Paper on the subject has come at the right moment. The procedure proposed brings as near as anyone can reasonably demand the realisation of complete self-government with Dominion status. Happily, in Burma there are not the difficulties of contending reli- gious communities which make India's problem so thorny. None the less it will be recognised that some delay there must be before the country can settle down after the war and be in a position to hold a general election. For the purpose of re-establishing security, restoring communications and disrupted public services and rehabili- tating agriculture, a civil government carried on by the Governor
must function for a time in succession to the present military administration. But it is not proposed that this interim period should last beyond December, 1948, after which a general election could be held and the elected representatives would pro- ceed to draw up for themselves a democratic constitution. But it is proposed that Burmans from the outset should be invited to lend a hand in the process of resettlement through an executive council, and perhaps also a small legislative council. The decisions and the promptitude with which they have been taken should go far to forestall discontent. At the same time, recovery and stability may be more rapid than was expected, and the possibility of reverting to self-government earlier than the end of 1948 should not be excluded. Meanwhile, immense economic tasks .lie immediately ahead, and a bad start has been made by the military authorities in refusing to recognise the Japanese currency which has been in general use among the people. The effect of this ill-advised order, which leaves Burma with no valid currency at all, was disastrous. Steps must be taken without delay to remedy the situation.