25 MARCH 1938, Page 56


Spring-Running The fact that as I write this the weather looks, if it does not feel, like young summer, possibly should be a warning not to expect the real thing before its automatically delayed time. For twenty incredible days the sun shone as it seldom shines in June and if 'towards the end, the wind of the month brought us an acid reminder of the time of year, that did not prevent an outburst of cars upon the highways and byway, such as is rarely seen before April. Spring was accepted and welcomed, officially as well as out of office hours, and in a thousand private garages, the influence of light and the appearance of warmth stirred the owners to enthusiastic chores.

The warning does not really matter. So far as the .owner- driving motorist is concerned the most important feature of spring is the new light. It is good to be done, at least for a time, with snow and frost and grey weather ; better to have seen the last of fog for six months ; best of all to know that every day is longer, and that when you take the open road you need no longer think about lamps. You have at least 10 hours' driving light for long stages.