25 JUNE 1842, Page 13


Arrived—At Gravesend, June 19th, Earl of Hardwicke. Voss, from Bengal; 20th. Plantagenet, Boma. hum ditto; Mary Ann. Tarbutt, from Madras ; 21st, Ea Prance, Malterley, from Bengal; Lady Howden. WEachern. from Singapore; 22d, Manilla. Button, from ditto; 2.14. Indus. Clark, from China; Waverley. Morgan, from Singa- pore; John Line, Brodie. from Madras; Maria, Palmer, from Mauritius; 24th, Shep- herdess, Poole, from Manila; Caroline. Williams, from Ceylon; Brilliant, Burr, from Bombay; Courier, Plank. from Mauritius; 25th, Lord W. Bentinck, Crow; and W. Rickeirson, Bailey, from Bengal; and Royal Wiliam, Smith, from Ceylon. At Liver- pool, 191n, Thistle. Elder, from Bombay; 201h, Ann and Jane, Smith ; and Gardiner, Cr' drb, from Bengal; Kilblain, Shaw; and England, Thompson, from Bombay ; 21st. Mary Ann Webb. —, front China; t2d. Alexander Grant, Thompson. from Bombay ; Palmyra, Campbell, from Bengal ; Charles, Parker. from Singapore ; and 24th, Princess Charlotte, King. from Bombay. At Cork. 20th. Alderman Thc,mpson. Anderson, from Moulmein. At St. Helena. April 13th Merton°. Kenn, from Bombay ; 16th. Park- field, Whiteside, from China; 17th. Samuel Winter. Jeyes from ditto; Mary Louisa, Miller ; Franklaud. Christie; and Inglewood, Kerr, from Bengal ; 191h, Young Queen, Reid. from China; and 20th. Pomona, Smith, from Bengal, and all sailed again for Great Britain. At the Cape. April 1st. Minerva, Brown, from the Clyde; 6th, Sep- pings, Rawlings; 151h, Anna Eliza, Butcher; and 181h, Broxb..urnehury, Brown. from Lundell. At Mauritius, March 8th, Glencairn, Nicol. from the Clyde. Sailed—From Gravesend, June 1711,. George Wallace, Humphreys; and Foam, Grrig, for China; lath, John Knox, Cleland, fur Bombay; 19th. Seriugapatatn. Hop- kins, for Madras; 22d, Lady Rallies, Frazer, for China ; 23d, Queen of England, Monkey. for Bengal. From Liverpool, 18th. Stirlingshire, Davidson. for Bombay ; INth, Ith renge, Banks, for Bengal ; Lucy Wright. Pollock. for Bombay; MI. Otters. puul, Coruturth, for Bengal; 23d, John 0 Gatlin, Robertson, for China; and Pan& ra, Unman, for Bombay.


Arrived—In the Downs, Parkfield, Whiteside, from China; Lite/ Sharp, itPFie, from Singapore; Bombay, Kitchens, from Moulmein; Dulins. Underhill, from Ceylon; Meteor, DC Kludley; audTholuas Snook. Stacey. from Mauritius; and Delano. Goal, from the Cape. At Litinpuol, Young Queen, Reid, from China; Mary White, —; and Inglewood. Kerr, from Bengal ; Elizabeth Moore, tdossop. from Madras; Mer- idian, Kean, from Bombay; and Queen Victoria. Southgate, from Mauritius.