The Society for Psychical Research should examine the evidence for
a remarkable story telegraphed to Thursday's Times from San Francisco with reference to the war in Chili. Sefior Lastarria, a former Senator and Cabinet Minister in Chili, was flying, it is said, across the mountains from Genera Balmaceda's cruelties to the protection of the Argen- tine Republic, and on his way died from the extreme cold and weakness due to over-exertion. In what was thought to be the delirium of his last hours, he declared to his companions that he saw his brother dying in the city of Concepcion. His companions continued their flight, and in the end reached the city of Mendoza, where they learned to their astonishment that Senor Lastarria's brother did die at the very moment when Seiior Lastarria had declared that he saw him in artieulo mortis. There are so very many well-attested accounts of -similar " telepathic " visions at the moment of death, that to us it does not seem a great marvel, but only a somewhat rare -occurrence of a class the real existence of which is fully established.