The corpse of Mr. John Bibby', head of the wealthy
Liverpool firm. of John Bibby and Sons, wag found on Saturday in a poad near Ain- tree Race-course. From evidence given at an inquest hell on the body, there seems to be no doubt that Alr. Bibby, who had been dining out late and was rather " in liquor," stumbled by occident into the pond, head-foremost, and died immediately.
A boy, ten years of age, the son of the proprietor of' di? Swiss Gar- dens at Brighton, was killed last week by au antelope, that was 11-ually kept on the green : the animal gored thee boy as lie was as-fl,:1::g to drive it into ha shed.
At Ellinghem, Northumbeeland, on the ath instant, from twcive until two o'eloek thereNv.1:-; :I trenlend:MS nein/nip:POI.' 1 with heavy
peals of thunder. The swims' was actually iCmve two i;: '' 'nes thick in
some parts, and the people were malting met mw-balls tie the 0th day of July ; a thing which never re:carrel before in the reeolle.:tion of the
oldest person in Ellingham.— Deice il'aedcr.
Another destructive lire took place at Ipswich oil Wecimesday ; which destroyed upwards of twenty houses by tine water-side, besides ware- houses and granaries.