25 JULY 1840, Page 2

abates in0 p:ocabings ill 1paliamcnt.


The second reading of this bill was moved on Tuesday, by the LORI) CHANCELLOR.

After a short pause, the Duke of SIfFSEX rose, to give the House the result of his experience in Regency Bills ; deprecating such displays of temper as that in 1812, when George the Fourth was proposed as Regent. It was a subject for gratitude that the present precaution had Ito injurious influence upon the health of the Queen, any more than that which, in 18:37, secured the succession to the King of Hanover. He agreed to the general principle of the bill; but on some points be differed with those who framed it. The Regent should enjoy the full powerof the Crown, as lie had contended in 1812— The present bill rested upon different grounds from that of 1812- and it must be recollected that its provisions were widely different from that of the measure against which he argued when the noble Lords opposite were in power. lie had then contended that the individual exercising the Royal authority should possess it most fully and completely ; and it appeared to him that the longer a case of that eature was likely to last, the greater would be the necessity for this full enjoyment of power, and the stronger ought the arguments to be considered which he used On a former occasion.

Ile did not fully agree with Blackstone, that in the case of the vacancy of the Crown or the incapacity of the Sovereign the two Houses of Parliament could take upon themselves to appoint a Regent— Why not, %viten once really act iii upon the principle of regulating and se- curing the tranquillity and peace of the country—why not go a step further, and declare that which was to he dime in the event, during the Regency, of there being any incapacity to (;Iscltrge the functions which belonged to the Crown ? They were now about to enter upon the important duty at appoint- lag a Regent : it struck him very forcibly, at the swim time he with much diffidence his own views. that the measure then before them ought to go a little further. Their Lerhships, he was sum, would do him the justice to be- lieve, that he sulmitte(1 to them these observations in a spirit of perfect sin- cerity and disinterestedness. (" lhor, low?. ! ") lie could assure the House, that he had had no coneunmieation with any person whatever upon the subject of the present bill. From the moment at which the question was first mooted to the present, hr had never ()pencil his m mill upon the subject to anv human being ; for he felt restraiued by the delicacy of his own situation. be stood nearest to the Throne ()I' any person in this country; and he had voluntarily surrendered to In r Majesty the precedence which belonged to him. In taking that course, he trusted that he Lad shown his good-will as unequivocally as any man could desire. Ills wish was, as tier as possible, to reconcile at that moment all feelings which could be entertained in any quarter. The noble Duke oppo- site would understand what he alluded to, without its being necessary tbr hue lo enter into more minute particulars.

If they provided a Regent, that Regent might become incapaci- tated- " His noble and learned friend had congratulated them upon being in such a .situation as that, whatever plan of liceeney might be adopted, it would receive the sanction of the three branches of the Legislature ; but a contingency might happen after the commencement of a Regency in which further provi- sion would be required, and that it would lie found necessary to make that when one of the branclws of the Legislature was not in a situation to concur therein. If they left this second contingency unprovided for, than he should say that they would be under the necessity" of settling a new Regency when they were not in the situation in which they now were, and upon which his noble and learned friend congratulated them on being. What would be the use of passing a bill or that noon., should such an event as that to which he alluded take place? Ile need hardly observe, that the difficulty of their situation would be greatly increased ; for not only would the magistracy of royalty be anprovided for, but there would be no provision for the custody of the infant ; and in these eircumstithees they would be obliged to legislate and make provi- sion for contingent events, with only two branches of the Legislature capable of acting. In entering upon these matters, he had no reference to himself—

Ile challenged the noble Lord, eMelbourne,) whom he had known many years, and with whom he had had many confidential communications, to say if any net of his had ever shown an ambitious nature; but that, on the con- trary, lie had at all times and under all circumstances acquiesced in the deci- sions of the Legislature and the Crown, and that he was ever anxious to set an example of obedience to the Monarch and the laws ; that he NO never stood as an obstacle in the way of any appointment ; and, least of all, was he capable of doing so on en occasion like the present. Ile was not aware whether a near and illustrious relative of his was then present, (the Duke of Cam- bridge,) but lie would appeal to him whether, in any transactions which had

ever occurred between them, or in any affairs which concerned the family to which they both belonged, he had ever betrayed a sell-interested or au ambitious spirit. Ilis illustrious relative had, during four-and-twenty years, been at the bead of the Government of Hanover, mid he would ask him Nrbether, in the transactions which arose out of that or those which arose out of family com- pacts, he had ever behaved otherwise than sincerely and disinterestedly ?

hpprovisions for possible contingencies had been more elaborate ill of 1765. Queen Charlotte was appointed Regent ; failing ;fan*, the Princess Dowager of Wales became Regent; with a Council, which was to include the King's uncle, William Duke of Cumberland, and the King's brothers, Edward Augustus )2 of York, William Henry Duke of Gloucester, and Prince Henry derick and Prince Frederick William when the two latter become of age. That showed the strong wish of George the Thirds, "keep the Royal Facially together.' He also differed somewhat ost., the provisions respecting the remarriage of the Regent— He looked with feelings of delicacy and affection towards that distiass,to person his nephew, who was principally concerned in the provisions of the sent bill, and to whom, as far as he kiwis him, he felt sincerely attached. sjr.," '- time of his marriage, when Prince Albert said he hived he thisht his friendship, his reply was—" My thermometer is your attention Queen—your attention to her happiness and comfbrt; upon that lay frieb44:. depends." It was only justice to add, that ever since then he had fully ',lento. that hiendship. But he found in the bill further and other restrictions. fct Regent night not marry a Papist. 'l'o him it appeared that the inclinatios of the Regent ought not to be placed under any collstraint with respect totri. trimony. This was a subject upon which he wished to touch with as esti delicacy as possible; but he was sure, when the House recollected the youtho that illustrious person, they would agree in thinking, that though ot &shit

feelings might revolt from the formation of a second alliance, yet that fiss feelings would be mellowed by time, that therefore no obstacle should 1,

thrown in the way of his again marrying, for it was most important Hatt,= should set an example of propriety to the whole nation. lie presumed'', House had out overleol:ed the fact that the Prince might marry a subjeetti

this country, or that, if his wishes in led him, he might marry ribrcad, whetb; he received flue approbation of the Government or not ; end unless he camob Parliament to make provision firr the expenses attendant or consequent ups

such mart iage, that Parliament would have no right to intetfere in lvoas whatever. It would perhaps be a matter worthy of the consideration oftlipl. Lordships W het her any marriage should be effected without it previous cos. notification on the part of the ltigent, and the assent of both Douses of psi.

Another point was the possible marriage of the Regent \ebb I foreigner. Under the bill of 1830, the Queen Dowager or the Dutcher of Kent could not marry a foreigner, but could marry a British sidles It would be well to encourage the maintenance of ties between the ft gent and this country— It should he remembered that her present Majesty was a native of WI country, and that she owed her accession to the throne to her descent from tit Duke of Kent, who was also an Englishmen, and a descendant from Kiri George the Third. All the Royal Family bore the same fiord attachment totter . country, and the same desire fir the welfare of the people. Should his Horn Highness Prince Albert untbrtunattly become Reeent—lie used the tent " unfortunately " in reference to the deprivation true country must suffertt. produce such a result—he doubted not that tl:e same feeliogs would arta that illustrious person. But it must not be tin-gotten that it was his union to her Majesty that endeared him to this (sundry ; and shmild that link of attach, ment be broken, it was clear to him, althoughh he should support the authorial of the Crown, that the affection or the people toNvards the Prince, to berme permanent and durable under such a change of eireumsofincieast,alsitiot strengthened by au extended acquaintance with the character

The Duke concluded by saying-

" 1 hope that what have uttered will lie received with the same kind feel. ing in which it has been delivered : and having said this much, 1 will moil: down in peace, and may God's will be done."

The Loin Cusscers.ott said, it was true that the bill provided lot only one event : two events must occur belbre the contingency to wind the Duke of Sussex referred. It vas not eon:is:cut with the practice of Parliament to legislate for events beyond the range of probability; and if the one event contemplated by t he bill should occur, ample op. portunity must be afforded for providing against any ulterior cooties gency. With respect to the marriage of the Regent That portion relating, to the marriage of the Regent under the bill of IS:10 he had omitted from the present bill, Just hoc hec:nwe the provisions were applis cable only to the ease of a female Regent. The marriage of a female Regent might well be considered as involving more important considerations and pos• Bible risks than that of a male Regent ; and therefore it was provided under that bill, that the Regent should.not marry a foreign prince without the con- sent of Parliament, lest foreign TT:duel:cc should he injuriously exercised over the welflire of' this country. That was certainly a danger which, in the cased a female, it might be very prudent to guard against. But the case with regard to a male Regent was very different. By this hill the illustrious individual who was appointed to act as Regent was forbidden to live abroad : and the powers that were placed in his hand were under such restrictions as would pre- vent fiweign influence from interfering with the established institutimis of the country through Lim. Besides, it could scarcely be supposed that a husband should be so little sui juris as to be iimpible of exercising the official duties devolving upon him, free from any foreign or improper influence whatever, After a short Huse, no Peer rising, the bill was read a second time, without a dissentient voice.

Fornewx CoststuncrAr. Pouev.

The attention of the House of Commons was on Wednesday directed to our foreign commercial poi*, by Lord SA NOON. lie commenced by alluding to the boast of Lord Palmerston, that no British Minister had done half so much for British commerce as he had done ; and then proceeded to show that, notwithstanding this boast, our commerce had been greatly neglected, and to allude to instances in which, owing to this neglect, the trade of the country had suffered— :In the first place, a short time ago, he called the attention of the nog Lord to the circumstance of Mexico having imposed upon British goods, is some instances, a duty of 100 per cent., without that notice of six months tc which they were entitled by the tariff. 'Not till two months lifter notice list been taken of the fact was any measure to remedy the evil had recourse to. It connexion with this point, and with regard to the duties imposed in 1837 b] Mexico in a similar manner, they had received the assurance of the wild, Lord, that as to the Mexican Government, it would restore the excess of dutie that had been levied by it. They were told this ; they were assured of this and yet no reimbursement had taken place. Ile passed then fromMexico t, Buenos Ayres, and he asked the noble Lord, hew long it was intended that th blockade of Buenos Ayres would be permitted to he continued? Britisl property at Buenos Ayres was estimated at something more than a mil lion. This property consisted in articles that were lying useless, and c so perishable a nature that it required an outlay 01%20,000/. a year to ON them the necessary care. Local funds had been created in the years 182 end 1822; and the amount of British capital locked up in them WE five millions of (1(1!ais. British capital had been reduced one-fifteenth i value. And all this he asserted was in consequence of the French blocked, Ile wished that the risible Lord had shown something like the spirit of ti Americans with respect to the blockade. He begged next to call the attentio

the state of their intercourse with Portugal. It was now of the Reuel

to there had been imposed by the Court of Portugal a differential

three years

of 15 p8eir cent. in favour of all goods coming in Portuguese vessels from

duty ports.Very grave remonstrances had been made on this subject both British

to the noble Lord mid to the President of the Board of Trade. No effect had been produced for the two first years. He was aware that the noble Lord and the President oftothe Board of Trade had taken advantatige of Air. Iluskisson,

the full extent of the powers couded to them. But the

and retaliated, w!lh ptiithorEwiiitgoltst:id imposed an additional 5 per cent. effect of that relttattilTivlxven:

it fell 1111011 articles extreniely light duty; but AS, and the duties paid on them, it was not felt, while the Portuguese

was t‘ stound to be extremely injurious. The average of the amount


of duty, as felt on British shipping, was GO per cent., again lin might appeal the ottani of the 1,nited States, who, when the it hies were Spain, ilumediatelv passed an act in Congress, liv Mat; raised upon them 1)31, they lowed out as an exact copy the impositions made by Spain in ti-C. "vim they placed American shipplog (to the same Muting with wbidt every point. that of Spain ; an.dittr1Les.result was that they kept hold of the nmigation be- Spain Mid imposed discriminating duties, on some itynrIelleisthloeftis0.° (ti‘ntrill otherishf -,00 per cant„ for the purpose of insuring a Pre" '2.11_ now to tarn stommo, to Mr six ter..

ferenec of Spanish vetoe s. 'That

During that tune the noble Lord Might have exercised the powers coutiaed to bins without coming to Parliament. Ile might have issued ti retaliatory order. De and the late President of the Board of Tried: had assured British merchants that they were prepared with such an order and were prepared r to issue it, but

delayed loin

so up to the last moment, it; the hope of a favourable result to


their negotiation,

bearing upon this subject, lie would show how by the

regulations of Spain theirseir otrstisitvit with tIlavannalt had been affeCted. It was go- verned by the tame lams as and Le Mond that tis to vessels which eatme under the operation of themermunatnig-duties as regarded their freight and cargo, between Liverpool and the Ilavannah, this iris the result—there were sent ill British ships, 481 bales ; ii the vessels dottier nations, 812 bales ; and in Spanish' 6,125. lo show the loss to British ships since these duties came into operation in 1831, he found that the value of exports from that year to the pre- sent, from Liverpool to Havannah, was thus declining—first it teas 382,000/., and then descended to 105,0001., 75,00., 65,000/., 3313,0001, and now only 35,0001. in value. To prove that Idle!' was lost to England was gained by Spain, he timed the amount of the value of the cargoes carried in Spanish bottoms rose in the following manner-110,000/o 123,000/., 264,0004,279,000S, 3l8,000/., 369,000/. He must say, that even in consideration of the pecuniary sacrifices Made by this country in filvour of the present dynasty of Spain, EDAM bad a right at least to have her interests treated. with equal considera- tion with those of other members o" the Alliance, whose assistance had not been so strongly afforded as by England to the Court of Spain. The noble

Lord, he conceived, n was bound to ow the House on all those points what progress be had made.

Lord PALMIMSTON commenced his defence by expressing his surprise at the small extent of the charges that had been brought against his foreign commercial policy ; ant lie conteasted the tone taken by his op- ponents when exciting Government to silverse dealings with Foreign nations against the tone of the stone pasties when censuring Govern- ment for running into the hazard of hostilities. The substance of the charges, he observed, amounted to this, that the British Government had not compelled certain foreign nations to do exactly as it was wished they should do : but as the British Government could not force foreign nations to terms without going to wor, lie asked whether the objects proposed were worth encountering that risk?--

With respect to Buenos Ayres, it was Inn' tint our commerce, and Ameri-

can commerce too, had suffered great inconveilienee from the protracted blockade of the Rio de la Plata liy the French flotilla. But the noble Lord was mistaken Jr lie supposed that tee had not matte evertions to bring that quarrel to a conclusion. Ile could assure the noble Lord it was his belief, that from the nature of the communicto ions which the French Government either had made or watt about making to the Government of Buenos Ayres, both parties would soon come to a friendly termination of the disputes between theta. He could likewise ostaire the noble Lord, that no effort,: on our part either had been wantiog or would be wanting, to produce that desirable result ; but when the noble Lord asked how long we should permit a great and power- ful nation like France to continue its quarrel with an independent site like Buenos Ayres, he used language titr width there could he no exemse, except that it had fallen from the noble Lord unpremeditatedly and in the hurry of debate. With respect to Prolog:it, it was true that the retaliatory duty which he hail laid on in conseptence of the discriminating duty which had been levied on our vessels by the Porteguese Government had not been a sufficient retaliation upon Portugal; but it was equally true that We It el gout to the hill extent that the law allowed us. The noble Lord watt: not, however, to suppose that the narrow-minded and exclusive syFtem of eomm,,ree which Icortugal had pursued had been beneficial to Portugal, while it Wes injurious to its ; for he could assure hint that Portuguese commerce had suffered considerably from the blind and ignorant system which it had recently pursued. 11e, believed that at this moment the Portoguese Government saw the error of its course, and that a feeling was sprin,;ing up among the principal men in the Cortes which would lead before long to the fornmtion of arrangements more beneficial to the com- merce of the two countries. With regard to Spain, lie believed that the Board of Trade had not yet issued directions for any mta iat ory proceediog; against the shipping of that country. But if such directions had been delayed, there were circumstances in the peculiar situation of that country at present which accounted for our forbearance. These circumstances, however, had now ceased to operate ; for we had now reason to flatter ourselves on the improved pros- pects of that country, notwithstanding all the prophesies to the contrary which had issued from the other side of the House. Yes, notwithstanding all the principal speakers on the other side lira pledoed their reputation and skill as statesmen to the success of the cause of Don Carlos, that cause bad miser- ably failed; and the civil war which had so long desolated Spain had been brought to a terminatiOn. (Cheer,.) The time, therefore, was now come in which we could call upon Spain to liberalize her system of navigation, or to meet those retaliatory measures which we could apply, and which we should be justified in applying in return. The noble Lord had touched on these few points to show, as lie said, the neglect of the rommercial interests of the country by a Government which had hoisted that no former Go- vernment had done halt' so much for their enlargement as the present. Ile had never made that boast : but as lie was compelled to speak on that sub- ject, be would assert as his opinion that no former Goverment hind ever at- tempted so much to improve the coinnieree of the country, or had ever at- tempted it with so much success. (Cheers ,from The .11inisterial bearkes.) lie would just call the attention of the noble Lord to the different amounts of im- ports and exports ill different years. Ile was at least entitled to say, that daring the period in which he had the charge of the Foreign interests of the country, our imports tuud our exports had continually increased. Ile would take 1830 as the first year, and he found that the total oflicial value of the ex- Ports in that year was 3;3,000,0004; in 1831, it was 37,000,0004 ; in 1832, 8,000,000/.; in 1833, 39,000,0001, ; in 1831, 11,000,0004 ; in 1835,17,000,0004 ; III1836, 45,000,00W.; iii 1837, 42,000,0004 ; fu 1838, 50,0110,000/. ; iu 1839, 53,000,0004 The exports, then, had risen between 1830 and 1839, from the value of 38,000,000/. to the value of 53,000,000/. It appeared that, during the some time, their imports had also increased in the same proportion : he thought it 'mite clear that he ,tahlished thereby that the wholesome and substantial trade of the country 1,a,I gone on progressively. In 1830, the official value of nor imports ;unwanted to dfi,oteLono/. ; in 1831, to 19,000,0004 ; 1832, to

1-1,0o0.000/. ; saa, 45(too,non/. ; in IS3-t, to 49,00000a ; in 1835, to 18,000,001V. ; to : in 18:7 to 54,0Arnon/.; in 1838, to

01,000,00W, ; M:l9, to o2,0oty am/. Hire, tl'ierefiwe, the imports had in- creased between 1et::0 and Iscl9 from .16,00011110/. to 1;2,000,11'W.: a perfectly clear proof that, notwillot onlin,s the local owl temprintry cheeks ti hick our COMnierce had cn,•rienc-.1, on the whole the commerce of tI, (.„„„try bad gone on steadily h.:proving, and that !stereo the cited pt.riod: :1 had increased not ni!ell loss than :'runt two to (lino,Ilet.eutz•nd...d, therofors, that so far from the nolOe Lord It2ing entitled to say that he had r■taldkhed any thing like a elca::'s them, managemmt of her llajesty's present advisers tlat commercial interests of the country had brim greatly improved, i'' '"°i'''1clg in th he that li;1tl..stal td ,suite lest, of hovidg success

fitlIv attended to the commercial interests of the canonry.

Mr. Alacratax considered the answer of Loot far from satisfletory ; and observed that his Lordship had omitted, on this as on all former °Aso:loos, to mention in stating the anemia of imports and expor:s, the proportion for \Illicit We Were indebted to our Colonies. In referent:. to Spanish policy, lie coutended that the settlement of the ofrairs of Spain seas rather to lie attributed to the energy of the French (3.o.t rnment than to the Foreign Office--

1'1w noble Lord bad no right Whatever to phtme Ithmeif of his policy aS having produced this result. What ! could IL. etOtle Lord felicitate himself on the of Oft. contest in Spain, while so many unfortunate individuals, who 11,1d I, thIs country with his sanction to :hare in it, ::till remained in a

state of misery mei destitution, which was a disgrace to the Government of England—while the brave men who carried on that etintetr were now exposed in the streets of London in a state of pauperism which, was utterly disgraceful to the Spanish f Iovernment ? Were they to be told or the noble Lord's in- fluence with Spain, when he not only could not succeed with a negotiation for a commercial treaty, but wa,, unable to obtain the liquidation of claims, ad- mitted to be in no manner doubtful—claims which remained still pending, to the eternal disgrace of the country for which these men had fought, and also, Ire must add, (tithe country which had sent them to pour out their blood like water, for a dynasty which made them so ungrateful a return ?

He then alluded to the state of our relations with Russia, and the po- sition in which this country had been placed by the treaty of Pokiar Skellessi. Ile strongly condemned the admission of the weakness of this country by Lord Palmerston, as calculated to proN.ol:c insult and produce the consetplences which such timorous policy NVaS intended to veve at.

Mr. IlAwrs defended the Foreign commereial policy of the country; and condemned the desire for retaliatory duties as unbecoming, an en- lightened nation. I le quoted in support of his argument, a remark of Reelmeles on this point, in an address to his constituents : Why should we practise tbIly because other nations lack wisdom?" Bad a more warlike prey been adopted, he was confident the parties who now made an outcry egaiost the Ministers for being too timid, would have been the first to e.orlenin AL.. Dist:Art.1 a n'!inadverttql strongly on the Foreign policy of the eimutry, and sicnni,1 tip his speech by observing— One Ruing clelle, that duriug the last nine years the cornoterce of Eng-

land hmt rerriv, t grelt,T Injury 1112111 in :Illy other like period under other Minister ; and the uuble Lord had sown the seeds of events which would mature, perhaps, in conseol,..11CeS WOUld sh rkc the empire 10 its centre.

The other speakers were Mr. E. TENNENT, Mr. Mr, EWART. and Lord INett:11:11; and the debate ternduated without any result. Put,ststorsT or Brant Buil..

On bringing up the report of this bill, on Wednesday, Mr. Fox MAITLE, Wild) Ind expressed his intention of taking another division on the measure after it had been in Committee, declined dividing the House at that stage. owing to the small nomber of Members present : but he said he should certainly divide the House at the third reading.

After flue report had been agreed to, _Mr, so.i.v proposed to add a clause exempting front the punishment of it, nth certain offences con- nected with forging and counterfeiting stamps and dies for defrauding the revenue. The clause was read a third tints, and ordered to be printed; and the third reading of the bill was fixed for Wednesday next.


On the question of' going into Committee on this bill, on Wednesday. Mr. Goemonix protested against it, as carrying the principle of' con- scientious relief too far ; and he pointed out several eases in which he conceived it would be attended with serious ineouvenimee in the admi- nistration of justice. There might be inconveniences in the present system ; but he contended that the proposed substitute for it would be still more inconvenient ; and he (motioned the I louse to take care, in their regard for a religious scruple, not to risk the subversion of a prin- ciple that had taken so strong a moral hold of the public mind as its reverence for the sanctity of en oath.

Mr. HAWES luridly combated the objections raisoil by Mr. Goulburn ; and reeapitnlated the inconveniences of the existing system, to which many of the objections raised against the present measure would apply.

Sir RononT INoms contended, that they were not at liberty to de- stroy the sanctity of an oath, which was the great security of all so- Mr. WAnnunTox also spoke in favour of the bill ; the object of which, he remarked, was not so much to benefit those who objected to take an oath, as for the advantage of those who required their testimony.

On a division, the numbers were—for the bill, 91 ; against it, 50 ; majority for the bill, 32.

The bill was then considered in Committee. After several of the clauses had been agreed to, Sir RonEnT PEEL, when the schedule was under consideration, expressed his objections to the bill ; its obvious tendency being to maintain that every man should have that form of oath administered to him which he affirms to be in accordance with his conscience. Such a principle as this, he contended, could not stand two years as law. lie objected also to the inefficiency of the bill to carry its principle into practice; and pointed out the difficulty that would attend the working of that part of the measure which requires a cer- tificate front two Justices of the moral character of an individual, be- fore he is allowed to participate in the relief it is intended to affisrd.

Mr. lIANVI•O; adoti:Ltd that there were parts of the schedule which he did not approve of, but which he bud In'en induced by the opinions of others to introduce. Ile seld, it Sir Robert Peel would consent to the introduction cf a general hill next session, he would withdraw the pre- sent intetatre. • Sir Ili:BERT PEEL only ex!'r, Hs surprise that :Iris Hawes should adopt sueli a CQUI.A.'.:liter soffit: hcllIeT the schedule was agreed to. CLcrtt:v llosEnvEs.

On Monday, Lord Jon:: BussELL moved the order of the day for the consideration of the report on the Clergy 'Reserves Bill; after which, the bill was recommitted.

Before going into Committee, Mr. PA it INwrox could not help ex- pressing his satisfaction at the handling. the hill had received, and his approbation of Lord Johan Russell's conciliatory disposition. Ile was glad that only loo,000 acre:; of the reserved lands could be sold in one year ; he was glad of the mode fixed fin. expending the proceeds. But he was sorry that provision bad not been made for building new churches ; and that "certain portions of land" had not been reserved for building them od. And he feared that the seventh clause, though it did not give ie'scillis endowment to the Roman Catholic chapels, might be interpsetesd in such IMUIIRT OS to be attended with the most objectiona!de results. lie anticipated, however, that the bill would ulti- mately pass iti such a shape as would give to the colony the means of sound religious instruction,

Mr. HumE, on the other hand, protested against the mode of appro- priation.

The House having gone into Committee, Sir JAMES CnAII vas pro- posed to include the Clergy Reserves ill the Lower Pros ince. Lord Joux Ruse:ELL said that there had not been the same reasons, either in popular excitement or in the Pro% i Ici,tl Legiskuure taking the initiative, for including Loser Canada in the provisions of the bill ; but he agreed to take the suggestion into e.meideration. Tile proviso to restrict the sale of (ler 'deserves in one year to 100,non acres, erns alters..1 , Si'se 'Is to liteit VI.. :ode to not snore than that 81110Dlit, extent with the epprohatien tdi Ile. Secretary of State.

Mr. Gorisnotin proposed then the prcec, ds of the sales should be in- vested in the Puldie Funds of (limit Ilritain, a then, were no sufficient public securities in l poor Canada. CILsoLEs CUM- thought they

might be content with the seine as these by which the public debt of the colony was scanned. The amenenneut was rejected, by 38 to 28.

11Ir fu m I... deplored the exclusion of Cetholles from the provisions of the bill. Upon which lord JOHN B.U.;.q.A.1 pleaded the decision of the Judges.

Mr. 1IAwss etOD plait:ea that the Eishry of Toronto should have any thine. to do with the np.i.rspriat ion of the i'es.ls —a man who had bor- rowed trust-binds for private purposes. liesemsm the two sides of the House pecan to quarrel over the diameter the Bishop; whose con- duct, Mr. Vint:sox Snurn said, had nothieg whatever to do with the sixth clause.

Mr. Gteiteroxi: attache.: the seventh ehinse : the bare omission of the Catholics (*Cid not content Lint ; and he thought it better that the disposal of the sarplas fend should not be " for purposes of public wor- ship and relieions instruction itt Cpper Canada," but that it should be left simply to the Con rue r. Lord elt 'ON Ili•ssond. sail that the alteras Lion would he tent:mimeo to meking provisitm for the Churches of ling- land and Scotland only, end deelerieg those the two predominant churches. The amendment was negetived.

Mr. Ilusi E divided the Boost: oleon the ciehth clause, which guaran- tees the peyment mf neten/. to the. Churches or England and Scotland; but it was collie.% by 26 to 0.

The remainine: tesss of the bill and tl:e preamble were then dis- posed oh To he rtesorted on Thor:: lois.

Lord ,loux 11 tes vise iu brio gins ti o. report on the bill, said he had inseenni a psosi• Ow the n, , este:Aire: the sale of the Cher c et .1 a a sorted e that the Act c:' reservntiou In the T louse third rcluling aC ; the stI,j'' 1 1.

of Mr.

by Cs..

he i•is,

clause-, :•.iesiles

Pootoi. Co:, On the sties .;;' t1.5

any. Mr. tie: H .1 time that day three w .1: was to draw from Mini dt this Commission--

:1'er 'Z.:mad:I, lie has also in-

le than that in the forntur I force With respect to any future et., BILL.

1 n: •.‘: AN NON postponed the Illt.OStms on F,inised the Ihike sv.er of taxetion

. ;mount ; and ettior, and boundary to the first bill, of this bill on Thin's- et, that it 1:e read a third le moving this nmenann nt Clcir intentions respecting

try that some permanent Board was to be established. He hoped there ----se, such intention : he knew that such a plan would meet with the univesaaj4 •• probation of the country. The law might be a good one so far as e'b '• were concerned—even some of them were too large; but be was quite -It' vinced that the workhouse-test must be applied only to the idle and dissolo7; and must be relaxed so far as the unfortunate were concerned.

Mr. SLANEY defended the Commission; and compared the state England at present with its condition before the new Poor-IoW a,' introduced. At the time of the passing of the bill, there was ce; distress; there were burnings all ov77t0hewoalrielulie agricultural waldaisstnrioewts;smai::::S

the amount raised for Poor-rates was 00 faction in those districts ; there were no:ron000,ofiur(e)si.; altildletheevriellimalsdt a saving on the rates of no less than

extending Irons the agricultural districts to the manufacturing torte*" and it was proved before a Committee, of which he was a Member,the the manufacturers, were beginning to adopt the system that hail haste( prejudicial to the agricultural population of augmenting the svapeo their workmen out of the Poor-rates. The advantages of the as workhouse system, he contended, bad been generally felt.

General JOHNSON said, the saving talked of was extr7neisly3f:11aell: I s ten g three millions talked of would soon be swallowed up. If those sums were deducted which were called the friendly rate d: adopted to introduce the system of centralization, a system perfectly is compatible with the liberty of' mankind.

gistrates ;" and if' the people had been allowed to manage theiron affairs, none of the abuses would have arisen, lie objected to

" mismanagement, negligence, idleness, and ignorance of the Ma

WARLEY attributed the abuses of the old system entirely to& tinuacce of the Commission for even a single day.

Colonel Sirritoners did not let the opportunity escape of expressio: his opinion that her 11Injesty's Ministers had in the case of the NI law, as in every other matter, shown themselves to be " a most use's,' s and incapable set."

Mr. Fox AlsettLE said, that what the Government asked by them. I, sent bill, was merely to renew the power of the Poor-law Commissionto for another year. lie agreed that the law, as it at present stood, migi: be improved ; and her Majesty's Government would be prepared att early period in the next session to consider what the improvemoult should he.

Mr. W. Arrw000 complained that the Commissioners had acted opposition to the report of the Committee of the House; and he thouglr, the question for the House to decide was, whether they would stint the Committee or the Commissioners; and if they adopted the lase s; course, they might as well give up all control over the administrant of the Poor-law at once. • Lord Jolts RussELL said, it certainly was the intention of those till introduced the Poor-law Amendment Bill, that the Commission shoull be permanent, but they consented that it should be tried for five yeas . The recommendations of the Committee had been carried into effects far as possible, but many of them could not be carried out without& consent of that I louse. The Committee recommended that the Cot missioners' power should extend over those parishes where the Cilbrr Act was in operation. That could not be done without an Act of Pas Bement; which would have met with much opposition, and ohs business sins obliged to be gone on with. Therefore he had postpaid , its consideration till the next session.

Mr. MuNTz protested against the bill as being seriously injurious Is the interests of the working-classes. It was even more oppressires to the artisans in the manufacturing classes ; because the officers hal refused to give any relief whatever to the poor unless they sold offal they possessed and went into the workhouse. The motion Mr the third reading was carried, on a division, by against 10. ECCLESIASTICAL DUTIES AND REYENCES BILL.

On Thursday, Mr. Knight Bruce, as counsel for the petitioners eg,abst the bill, was heard at the bar of the House of Lords. The bill, I; contended, was one of confiscation ; for upon this principle the eerie siastical revenues of one part of the kingdom would be used to supply

the spiritual wants of another and distnut part, to the injury not only of the individuals immediately interested, but also of the neighbourhoodi in which those revenues hind hitherto been principally expended. lie contended that if their Lordships acted upon the principles which they applied to ordinary cases of property, they could not pass this measurs which took away from Deans and Chapters all their property without their consent. Ile likewise complained that this bill confiscated au gave to the Crown the rieht of niiptiettnent to the Dennere of Exeter: which had been solemnly decided only last month by the Court of Queen's Bench to belong to the Chapter of that Cathedral. The learned conned also alluded to the Farnham Rectory case, and the decision of the House of Commons to grant compensation to he lessees, as greatly strengthening his argument ; for this bill would seriously affect the lessees of Church property front one cud of the kingdom to the other, (aking away the living or those Who had formed their estaliishments anti their prospects on a certainty of renewal. Ile alluded to the altered state of public feeling respecting the Church, t ince the lime this quo- Bon was first agitated; add reminded their Lordships, that there was DOW DO II eCCSSit y to yield on this point to popular clamour.

Mr. Dope was about to address the house en the saute side, When Lord MEmioutINE ittierpOSLA ; Oilcl it wa3 ticat the further hearing of counsel should he postponed till the fdluwing day.


The adjourned debate on this bill was resumed on Monday, by Mr Ilesmorn; who presented a petition against the lilt 1'r0111 Mk' of tls lessee's of the properly, and praying to be heard by conosel agailbs the proposed alteration, which would deprive the lessees of compsa sation for the injury they would receive by being deprived of 111, renewal of their leases. The debate continued some hours; but th chief feature of interest it possessed was the separation of Lord Stank from the Opposition and of Dr. Loshineton front die Ministers on th question. Lord STANLEY said, he had 00 all occasions supported di principle that compeosetion should be awarded where injury was it ilicted by net of Parliament on the property of individuals. 1) LUSIIINCTON thought that the only interest to be consulted was th of Me party

possessed a right to the property ; and that party had an absolute rwigio°

hi.t to p dis ose of it as he thought proper. On a division, a clause referringI of the question of compensation to arbitrators was carried, by

a major, y , the numbers being 81 against 79. On Thursday, Sir ROBERT Iscus moved the postponement of the

third reading tilt11\ u° 1' without mssAulitsn v,toing anyMr. reason11E31 E, for and other post-

PEc Mr.sinther ponement. Cap

Members, urged Sir Robert Inglis to state his intentions regarding the bill, and whether lie meant to move the rescinding of the vote for com- pensation. Sir ROBERT refused to make any reply, until after a division had been taken on the question of adjournment; which was carried by a majority of 44. Ile then said, that Ile intention ntention to propose to rescind the vote; but further than that he would not state.


The bill for the regulation of Railways was considered in Committee on Thursday.

Mr. EASTHOPE objected to the bill, as an unnecessary interference with railway-companies; and lie maintained that no ease of abuse had been proved against them to render such hasty legislation necessary. The bill ought at least to be postponed for another year, to obtain further in- formation. In this view Mr. IIrmt: concurred ; though he admitted he had read none of the evidence given before the Committee. Sir ItORERT PEEL, on the other hand, urged the necessity of itnmediate legislation— No one desired leas than himself to interfere Nrith the application of private capital, but it was impossible to deny that railway-companies enjoyed a practi- cal mouaholy, and one which was estabfished by the interference of the Legis- lature. It was therefore the ilia), of the Legislature to take care that this monopoly should not be exercised so as to prejudice the public : and if it were determined to legislate upon the subject, the sootier the determination was acted upon the better.

A long discussion then ensued on the consideration of the different clauses of the bill.

Lord GRANVILLE Sommistee moved the postponement of the opera- tion of the first clause, which provides that no railway shall be opened without one month's notice being given to the Board of Trade, till two months after the passing of the act. This amendment was agreed to. On the general discussion of the clause, Sir JAMEs CRAIIAMM expressed his opinion of the necessity of a provision which should guard the public against injury from the opening of railways before they were in a safe condition. Mr. EASTIIOPE said the clause would be inoperative. Mr. IlawEs and Mr. EWART objected to the principle of the bill altogether, as an unnecessary interference with private speculations. The clause was carried, on a division, by 61 against 18.

The second clause, which provided for the keeping of books and the malting of such returns by railway-companies us the Board of Trade may require, was withdrawn, after a long conversation, for the purpose of substituting another clause to the same effect, but less inquisitive in its operation, to comprise, among other matters, a return of all acci- dents attended with personal injury. Mr. T171IN En in the course of the discussion, cautioned the Committee against adopting the cdtuse, because it might lead to the principle of inveatigating the accounts of all private companies. This drew from Sir Rot:Ewe PEEL a declaration of his opinion, that when private companies (AA:titled from Paeliain mit any peculiar privileges, they ought to be subject to Parliamentary in- spection; and he alluded to the hank of England as an instance in which this principle was adopted. The monopoly of the railway-com- panies was complete, and the Rouse had a right to all information essential to their regulation for the public convenience.

When the clause providing for the punishment of the servants of the railway'-companies guilty of misconduct, came before the Conunit!ce, Mr. EASTI/OPE urged the postponement of it for further consideration-- The greatest amount of danger on railroads arose from the negligence of I he engineers, and the means of pimiliment for such negligence w as very io,nr- iicient. A case had come within his own knowledge of three carriages king smashed through the negligence of an engineer, and the utmost punislitteat that could be awarded hint was a line of 4. The man was now employed on a railway ion distant part of the country.

The clause was agreed to, as were the remaining clauses of the bill, without a division.


On the motion for going into t ;onimittee on this bill, on Thursday, Mr. GO1J1,111!ItN objected to the principle of the measure. as initirbnis to the owners of other property, and because it would alter the esta- blished mode of rating— The necessary consequence of exempting one class of property from ratintr, was the imposition of increased hurdetts on another ; and therefore this hill was, strictly speaking, au augmentation of taxes on every other species of pro- perty., to which no compens“Mig advantage was given. liepresentations had been made to hint that in most places a very 1,,avy police-rate was paid to protect the very property which the hill was ini,21,ded to exempt. The Attorney-General said, it was generally admitted that I he present law required alteration. It had been Sound utterly impossible that a rate on stock in trade could be so modelled as to Le free froin legal ob- jections. In Suet, the law haft become quite odious ; and except in a very few instances, no attempt had been made to enforce it. Mr. Coe LItitnx subsequently prow:sod it clause exempting incum- bents of benefices from rates upon their tithes ; but it was negatived without a division, and the different clauses of the bill were agreed to. POSTIOF; This bill, which was introduced at the extra sitting on Settled.) v last, was read a second time on Tuesday. The of jest of the bill, as 42:s: 11;611(2d by the Cit4scELLoit of the EXellEqUElt, is to give the Treasury- warrant by which the present postage-duties are regulated the sanction of an Act of Parliament ; an,1 it effects no alteration itt the present charges. Mr. Baring explained, that the only cases in which power would he reserved to the Treasury, would be in cases of Foreign and Colonial postages. This was necessary because negotiations were at present going on with Foreign Powers, which he hoped would have the effect of reducing the rates Of foreign postages.


A bill was introduced on Monday, by Lord PALmEnteros, to continue the Act 1 and 2 Victoria, c. for carrying into execution, by Orders in Council, the Slave-trade treaties.

POTAY0 Sucan.

On the same evening, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, in a Committee of the whole liom;e, carried a resolution to the effect that the duty payable on sneer neinnfactured in this country, from any material whatever, should be the same as that oa sugar extracted front beet-root. The moment the house bed ;laved a duty on beet-root sugar, parties had taxed their ingenuity to get it from potatoes and other substances. A Member observed, that it had lately been manu- factured front old rags.


POPULAR PETITIONS. Oa Wednesday, petitions were presented by Mr. T. 1)u:stamina; from the Democratic Abstinence Society, by Mr. Hums: from a place in Scotland, and by' Mr. NV i:.1.EY from Glasgow, all praying for the dismissal of Ministers, that they might make way for men favourable to Pniversel Suffrage. The petition from the Ab- stinence Society stated that they bad avoided the use of tea, copier, to- bacco, snuff, spirituous liquors, and other cxyiseable articles, inal that they would continue to do so until the system of represeetation was improved.

On Thursday, another Loch of petitimis praying :Jr the dismissal of the Queen's Ministers was pr,,settteit front twenty pl;te....7t, principally in Scotland.

NEW SOUTH \WALES LAND-1'1'ND. :Mr. GIZOTE, Oa 1CdlieStiay,

withdrew till next session his moiion to the iiiiseppropriation of the Land-fund of New South Wales.

RAILWAY TAXATION. Sir .1 A NES ORAILOI withdrew his motion till next session.

Mt sisrEni AL TACrICS. On 1.11P motion fur going into a Committee

of Supply, on Wednesday, Ir. Deseom Et: called ;Itteation of the House to the circumstances of the House not havii,g s.lt on Tuesday

evening, when his motion NV:IS set they. in the Ile thought it had been a trick of the Ministers 1,, prevent the u.ip,'.,let:He discussion of his motion. If' the Governiee.0 tiii11,..■1 joc!iey and

defeat independent 3Icinhers, einher:-.; would 1!,. obliged to do all they could to defeat seen et:deo

Mr. 111.131E called on the ■•: ther2 being no House on Turalay evening beiee '• • the meeting in the inti:Mitg, the rim 1 to ii*. '.vImether there were forty :'.1‘.1"11,ei.s lats,Alt cr The SpEAKEtt said, t;iat e th, 0, when mornin t iH;tgs ranged that when the Sp ...dee. te • commenced, had been a,: r% k. I

' •on-

finite to sit till the louse

requisite that forty Mcni!,... I:, 1,, (Hu mid.

be again formed.

ROYAL. Assn!: r.

mission, to t I ; ..; :••.

Ow Police-rates a s•eee:teele Weteli Bill, the Masters in Church (Scotland) Bill, the .% hills.

The lloyal assent w';1,-; alas••,,

Canada tio•,•ernineitt 1;i11, 1..t.

Timmilk`r ■':1111■S 11111, l!ionlIIHI Vr.,•■ .

Inclostire Ails A nteleie,see (Scotland) Bill, Areas (irel.e. l l Pil'. I b Hee'

,1 miction, Junction 11 ail it ay Ird!. :!;w:ly 1;111, .‘rilrossan

and Johnstone Railway Pill. • :pet Pai•doy Railway

Bill, Edinburgh and Giese; ,A l/ 72) 11111. Ysttchnu and Drnglicala llathray Bill, 11. ;. I 1 I." 1. it:t11‘s ay Comibtuy Mill Hay Pier 11111. itirltottr bill, 1 'cal and

;• itriv-te bilk.


nth itt(t


:II 'Imre!)

, I 1 cie: el, and Thaines

\Valmer 1;111, I to ■•:..