25 JULY 1840, Page 10


The subject of most interest in Parliament last night, was a cos' sation in the House of Commons, founded on the statement publielerio. by the Morning Post yesterday, that Lord Palmerston had entered into a treaty with Russia, Prussia, and Austria, for the settlement of affairs of the East without the knowledge of France. The question was introduced by Mr. HUME, in the shape of an objection to a vote for additional seamen. Mr. Hume trusted that Lord Palmerston sssulcontradict that statement ; because, if he were capable of such an

it would be most unwise to give him power to carry his mischievesy intentions into execution.

Lord PaustEnsiox, instead of giving a direct negative to the stet, ment, commented on Mr. Hume's Parliamentary conduct, and the Is convenience of making speeches calculated to irritate Russia andex other Powers of Europe. The reduction of postage-rates, and the st* of things in Canada, were also adverted to. lie favoured the Hone with an explanation of the term " insurrection," as applied to $ Syrians ; and when at last he came to the subject of Mr. Hume's quei, lion, he gave an evasive answer— With respect to the general question of our policy in the Fast, he co* only remark, to his honourable friend and to the House, that the five Gtft Powers of Europe had last year engaged in difficult and complicated negotill tions on the subject ; and that it would be very inconvenient for the advance, ment of those great objects which the five Powers had at heart, that b should at present go into those detailed explanations for which his lionoutahli friend had called. Already the five Powers had agreed as to what was tots obtained ; and the full concurrence of France in those objects had been speci. fieally declared, not only in the Speech from the Throne, but again in the col• lective note of the 22d of July. They were all agreed in the propriety taking measures to maintain the present Turkish, dynasty on the thrOntl though, as was quite well known, there was not that entire unanimity betiteti the Powers which might be wished with regard to certain minor points in tht negotiations.

Mr. MILNES expressed his regret that Lord Palmerston had not giro a more direct contradiction to the statement ; and Mr. HustE also again pressed him to contradict the statement, if he could.

Lord JOHN Russimr, rose to rescue Lord Palmerston from his era. barrassment ; but he did not throw much additional light on the matter. He defended the foreign policy of the country in regard to Turkey, and insisted on the necessity of our interference in the dispute between the Porte and the Pacha of Egypt, in order to prevent the Sultan from placing himself altogether under the protection of Russia On the main point of Mr. Hume's remarks, he observed— His honourable friend hail referred to the part taken by France in these me. gotiations ; and no doubt, although having the same object in view, there had not been perfect unanimity between France and England as to the means tok adopted for attaining those objects ; but he believed that lie expressed the opi• nion of his noble friend and of the Cabinet when he said, that they set as high a value on amicable relations with France as Mr. Hume lihnself did. Those amicable relations he trusted might long continue. No country had more it. terest than France in the preservation of those amicable relations with us upon • considerations of commerce and trade, which were essential to her interests.

After some discussion as to the number of ships in commission, which was stated to be already greater than the number of seamen voted would man, the vote for 2,000 additional seamen for ten months was agreed to, without a division ; Mr. Hume having abandoned his an• nounced determination to divide the House.

On the vote of money to defray the conveyance of mails between different parts of the Mediterranean, Colonel DAWSON Hamm( proposed, that instead of conveying the mails, as at present, by contracts with in dividuals, the Government should employ armed steamers of its own.

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, he believed the general opinion to be, that private companies would manage the transit of letters and of passengers better than it could ever be done by any Gce vernment.

Mr. Goormultss, Captain PECHELL, and Lord INEESTRE supported Colonel Damer's proposition.

The remainder of the Navy Estimates were then voted.

The Militia Estimates, 171,371/., were next carried, after some ob- jections from Mr. ]lone.

The remaining Miscellaneous Estimates succeeded : among which were a vote of 354,746/. for the special service of the Canadas ; 173,442/. for the expense of the expedition to China; 10,000/. for binding, clean- ing, and indexing the Public Records ; 30,000/. for public education in Great Britain ; and 5,418/. for the London University,—which were all agreed to. The vote of 5,000/. for erecting a hall for the use of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at Edinburgh, was opposed by Mr. GILLON and Mr. Hum: ; but it was carried, on a division, by 38 against 14.

The New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land Bill was read a second time.

Mr. T. DUNCOMHE brought forward the case of John Thorogood, in the form of an address to the Queen for his release. Lord JOHN Russism. said it was not in the power of the Queen to grant Mr.Tho- rogood's release, but lie expressed his opinion that it would be advisable that the party on whose authority lie was.confined should consent to his liberation. In this opinion Sir Romner PEEL concurred ; and after a short debate on the impolicy of Church-rates, the motion was with- drawn.

In the House of Lords, the Regency Bill was read a third time, and passed. The West India Relief Bill and the Poor.law Commission Bill were read a second time.

Mr. Hope was heard at the bar as counsel for the petitioners against

the Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Bill. The second reading of the bill was fixed for Monday ; to which day their Lordships adjourned.