This is a great country and do not let' us
be ashamed to say so.
It is not just material resources that make a nation great. It is character and leadership.
There are certainly some problems ahead of us.
And then there is defence. That costs money, too.
There is nothing to be ashamed of in getting to the top.
. The success of a country is the success of the men and women who make it up.
Mind you, atomic energy is not going to solve all our problems.
We must carry our fair share, and not more than our fair share.
It is in the schools and universities where our characters are shaped.
True partnership is based upon respect.
As for courage and character, I know the British people have this in full measure.
Britain has been great, is great, and will stay great, provided we close our ranks and get on with the job.
All these statements were made in the course of a recent speech which Mr. Randolph Churchill described in a broadcast as 'very fine.' If Mr. Churchill will call around some time I shall be glad to present him with Fowler's Modern English Usage, drawing his attention particularly to the essays on pp. 38 ('Avoidance of the obvious'), 224 ('Hackneyed phrases'), 342 ('Mannerisms), and 444 ('Pomposities').