25 JANUARY 1957, Page 30


ACROSS 1 Kifidly suggestion to the Muses of their con- stituent number (6).

4 How to address an antique dealer? (3, 5)

9 For Lime its music was thematic (6).

10 'I'm gonna Charleston back to Charleston, -'


12 Hawthorn declares no long rallies (8).

13 As far as is known, she had but one brief (6).

15 Enough in these to satisfy (4).

16 No frills on this adornment-on corsets? (10) 19 No dry hedge is so rustic (6, 4) 20 Fifteen in the USA (4).

23 You have been warned, my man! (6) 25 The banqueters take such a time for the addresses

(8). 27 No game of vingt-el-un for people .n this state


28 You make a mockery of it (6).

29 It's almost a hundred to a backward townsman in this chilly region (8).

30 Gone to Lord'sj declare (6).


1 Busy little worker around the broken monocle


2 Woolly-minded, by the sound of it (9). 3 'But where the - had modesty we have cant' (T. L. Peacock) (6).

5 First of the heavyweights (4).

6 Not given by the indifferent taxi-driver (3, 5).

7 'Law is We, And always the soft softly Me' (Auden) (5).

8 It's liable to derange, naturally (7),

11 Is there a trace of the shin I pu' on almost the whole horse? (7)

14 How the goat displayed his Red Riding hood (7).

17 Close to a team of pretty tall chaps (9).

18 Like the flag of England in Campbell's phrase


19 Doyen of the phrenologists? (7) 21 Pluto dispatched a refusal (7).

22 So dispatched an acceptance (6).

24 You'll find her in London Naples and New York (5).

26 There's probably some point in this case (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book.token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solution: opened after noon on February 5 and addressed: Crossword No. 924. 99 Cower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crossword.%

Solution on February 1 Solution to No. 922 on page 127 The winners 01 Crossword No. 922 are: MRS. RAWNSLEY, OBE, Claxby Hall, Alford, Lincs. and Ma. 1. C. Eviltrm 9 Woodstock Road North. St. Albans. Herts