25 FEBRUARY 1978, Page 17

A poet's words

Sir: with reference to Emma Fisher's review (4 February) of Barbara Norman's Selected Poems, it hardly seems proper to write that 'the book is full if isic I misprints and spelling mistakes'. There are two misprints in the book (two too many, granted), while the strange spellings are, in fact, idiosyncrasies of Miss Norman's style.

It is, perhaps, unfortunate, when one considers the tenor of the review, that Ms Fisher 'should have written 'this poem is called "Lucifer" ', when it is in the book entitled 'Fallen Angel', Ms Fisher also uses the following quotation: 'Half Heaven lies about us from our birth'. The italicized word should read 'above', which, as 1 think you will agree, means something rather different.

Miss Norman has the last giggle.

Charles Graham Tuba 13 Bute Street, London SW7