We are again told that a French force has sailed
from Antibes for Civita Vecchia, or Ancona, notwithstanding a denial of Lord PALMERSTON in the House of Commons. The Paris papers of Thursday say two snore companies of engineers are to embark without delay; and that the brigade sent to Italy is to be rein- forced with five additional regiments. General CUBIERES, the commander, will proceed straight to Rome with despatches for the French Ambassador there.
The French Ministry have determined that the sentence on Marshal NEY cannot be disturbed. The family of the deceased hero are of course extremely dissatisfied; though it is not easy to see what could be done, in a regular way, to gratify them. In England, the plan in such cases is to proceed by act of Parlia- ment ; that method is still open.
The Carlists are busy and bold in the West and also in the South. In ha Vendee they have issued prodlamations calling on the people not to pay taxes. If it appear that CHARLES the Tenth uses our hospitality to keep alive these disturbances in our ally's territory, he must be compelled to seek another theatre for his in- trigues than Holyrood.
There has been a good deal of noise and smart discussion in the Chamber of Deputies on the successive items of the Budget, and not a few reductions.
The Peers, the sticklers everywhere for the obsolete and useless, have determined, by a small majority, that Louts the Sixteenth's commemoration shall still be kept.