The Court at Paris has at length pronounced judgment in
the regarding cause rearding the late Duke of BOURBON S will. The Court treats the 'whole of the articles exhibited by the Princes of ROHAN as inadmissible and not pertinent. The judgment then proceeds- " The Court rejects the tierce opposition formed by them to the ordinance rendered by the President of the tribunal on the 7th of September 1830, and by which the Doke d'Ainnale is declared entitled to the possession of the entire legacy contained in the will of the Prince of Conde„ which ordinance is to have its full and complete execution ; and prohibits the Princes of Rohan to interfere in the administration or the liquidation of the said succession.
" Condemns the said Princes in the interest and damages to be reimbursed to the heirs, in the person of the universal legatee,—in all the expenses which have been occasioned by them and their agents in the operations of the inventory taken of the sale, and the valuation effected on their account, which expenses are to be regulated on the statement of M. Laney, whom this Tribunal com- missions for this purpose, and who is, in case of difficulties, to make a report thereon.
"Orders, that Baron Borel de Bretizel shall deliver to Baroness de Feucheres the private, legacies left to her by the wills of the 1st of April 1624 and 30th August 1829-4. Consisting of the sum of2,000,000 of francs in money ; 2. the chateau and park of St. Len, with the furniture it contains ; 3. the chateau and lands of Boissy; 4. the forest of Montmorency; 5. the domain of Mortfontaine; 6. the pavilion inhabited by the Baroness in the Palais Bourbon, with the fur- nature-it contains, together with the horses and carriages set apart for the use of the said Baroness. And, moreover, all interest, proceeds, and revenues ac- cruing from the said legacies.
"Declares not to be admissible, and ill-founded in its conclusions, the demand of the Baroness de Feucheres, tending to obtain the suppression of the writing published by the Princes of Rohan, entitled Answer for the Princes-of 21ohan to the Replies heard in the Audience of 'the 7th January '1832; decrees that the Baroness Feucheres must the Judges,. to Whom it appertains to de- cide upon her demand for the, suppression of the other publication of the Princes of Rohan, under the head of Observations respecting the :Death of the Prince of Conde in regard to which the Tribunal declares itself incompetent. " And;finally, condemns the Princes of 'Rohan to pay a fine of fifty 'francs, condemns them to all the expenses incurred, and to all costs."