25 DECEMBER 1942, Page 12


Sta,—Mr. Falk criticised Sir Wiliam Beveridge's scheme, but " Janus " made a personal attack on Mr. Falk. On page 567, the article " Beveridge Afterthoughts " says that Sir Farquhar Buzzard's estimate of sickness and disability costs the country £3,000,000. ' On page 576 Mr. Aikin- Sneath says E3o0,00o,000. I am afraid some of your contributors are rather muddle-headed.—Yours faithfully, R. T. S. Gloucester.

[The figure is, of course, L'300,000,000. We much regret the misprint,

—ED., The Spectator.] .

(For "Country Life" see page 606.) Postage on this issue : Inland and Overseas, id.