Mr. Lloyd George delivered a characteristic speech at Cardiff on
Tuesday as president of the Welsh National Liberal Convention. "Greed;" he observed, "is the wildest of all chauffeurs "—Mr. Lloyd George is curiously fond of motoring metaphors—" and the House of Lords has dashed madly under the impulse of its driver." The Lords Could not be trusted with dangerous weapons : they were dangerous themselves. Liberals were sick of this garrotting of Liberal Bills, and Wales had a special grievance against the Peers. " It was a small country, and therefore could be oppressed with impunity." The House of Lords was not a brave Assembly; it was a House of Fears. It was absolutely no good sending up a Disestablishment Bill to that House as at present constituted. " The first thing was to settle the veto of the Lords, and 'all these thi igs will be added unto you."