25 DECEMBER 1858, Page 4

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4, e Nes 4*, •tflt ,a,r. R fiY Rks,A4441r1.A,

Monte ilheaW19 1IgvaVn4o d

generally etof re t Cork DeMaMbff119 Sttipidity's 6.6 staBsk it

ore ''th€ tenix

brOid Yfir!iZia)neal emitasss,q,kaid that it grieved gagb,t;bR knew its mem- ..IVrti, W41011444 NO frI1111W t Inetp.AcIr,,,,,sigucqndpogiOviodC) and that . if -dal slidSnotiitninediately f gird) up.. all, isetineetinia with the system, he Weald ipultlisktheir Misizesi dinasenilsksy the Maitiestvigour of theChureh againtit, !befits ., 4 Aiming thesitigito;'onewas. edid,toilm'I's' passing the right Mind olvdr Sheri htidlittikf' thef deunteisikal White ri 'gr. VithSh.' of the • left band •tits the:bac !'cif.tikdii# - tkiSiir:Py•PAIrItiflt _tie la ,• padsWordS were 41)011* igiiti' .,40.''',1;-“Imi,. , d; ticifterlitnetlint.„'",';,4, he itight—" The ?jg,014/3;',111.1,rry'ss• 1,114 ‘, 01.4 likriaiMeays:s."•• •• The quarrelling, -7,7":1,r4q;;44,7•ftgiVO4.149t■COSitlaritrs9eA Cs', ,4'.--l. 1-rsh 1[3r■gade are aflYaPPlog• a..c.IFIV,, 611E Z11,,,L ti:11Arliq 1.1:-r. ., . : 7_Thitt,slovraests- --of tatti-.1Qcrideimnunitradnan tarrying on . the • prosecution msainatt the:arrested enwsjikabsniolsti Milked intiettssecitement in Belfast. The NoPtflers ,f1tfhiktif Elfbridariktastatittlftln'tattee any new infurma- timt 'tit tIOSIltdialregtt isi floifenoi ml

.. '

there ;Se`Sitis • to he ' 'Pk Mt trii

d' ¢ yli li e :to .... advisers of the prisoners b t 6 events i.hich may " .7391,Won ffi4itiatit SW tern n' the c 'loft! S Alt 'S er ' k more dangerous loth& atittimy dint lift • ..Stif'tlfficr. f'41. tkraiiittbere . seems to be on With/. fiLeiseltIldfi atiieVklIfe ii0 'ii_ st''We rSsspective eases. We qte ' ifietl"Olitg t`J'' a6flites5.136i0 att"iiiIIM the authorities' of leff0Ft ii id dPieti'ilifti," • gliainfilsits with respect 'to his d'of'ficff a • Ie. Vt'thisintervisw ''ataken , an s • Vidttf-th nib' fidatoS'c'd f 1 *its Beim 'tfn Belfast poltecitfty Vet* gli " ' 6 qbill• ' Iney, '111` t'itSdfar ads

Abe, 'Winters* • .1:61rettitt, kith it er f lid-ItOr 'pehilens totally

Miaentiliiiiteit -iihtfle teneit; rtligji iti 41114ffile 'wig tithe 'which per- OtilleWifs itilitibitantsaRtli Hs,ide 'Illiei. tlejas We fear there has'be assptitilitieliatleiSfliecv 1 a 1 tb'Ssleb Tch'San antulotc ; and W6' *tier dOsii-Olb g OW 1 a 'Irti WhOiiiing • themselves the

loinkletii tite'regultssiti'lia ersiesilf" ffla,iiast " ling to lii lter au- Abaft tiliCrearniiii*Ji Stile': ' rth ' tthices'of. c• case.

We 'hi& :MAyilU• lefireff the Waffle' .lin1611 it'oillitibiln'citstle. The pith "i;"htIWbief', ilta-' ' Tit btftirforr bssagf&bitlinary dis- elosintsi` Ottes6urssgilff • 4 . I Ifffig WtftbetileionerS itI • preqii 'tt th.O'fottntsr e 4.1-)! n'Y' teitg tt,"sh &VIII -• dttisSetsioni Court, 'aiifilliattherliiilleSWdrtirlife eisli tetnin f 'trial. Of This, lion'd+er, *6:4170.*itnitr OW dgaistlitfp , . i4heill all'Ite'C' wit would have long 'itinee'preseenteffliddthgt ' S§:s•gtti fidiV6*cistetttnpbti.'• Hitt' supposing' tlint' the 'pfiainitiii Shea 1SO - r tiiitid 'for ' trifil;' Vete the an- thoritiss the; least preSpe•et,Of eedrilbtlOti hi iiitY one rise S• Supposing they kitow far more than the publiciiiii,e:Of learned;' Sint belieVing that they have information which ileac others' than tbeniselces are in possession of, why do thee not meet the tstie'lsailly in the face ? 'Why does Mr. Tracy Visit Dublin Castle? Why do the constabulary seek after Kearns? And, why do' time whole party Who had charge of these arrestiappeat to be in the -utmost state of doubt and•coilfusion ? " - Mr: Rea, solicitor for the prisoners, Las since applied to Mrs Tracy, the stipendiary magistrates to fix a day but failed. He tried to fish out the charge, but failed in that also. . The Same " private " system luta beep. pursued in Cork; the town where the southern prisoners are confined. The prisoners, " the princi- pals excepted," are admitted to bail in heavy bonds to take their trial at the assizes., There will be no special commission. A correspondent of the Dublin Hall, says that the evidence of the approver is sustained by several other witmoses, whose 'voluntary appearance has caused no little surprise. - A large body of peasants, armed with bludgeons, visited Dr. M'Hale at lluam last week as a deputation to remonstrate against the appoint- ment of a priest to a Mayo parish, not of their choosing. They have kept him out of his chapel for ten weeks. They were not pleased with the "put off" they got from the "Lion of the fold of Judah."

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