On the 18th inst. at the Vicarage. Eccles, near Manchester, the Lady of the Rev. THOMAS BLACKBURNE, Of a daughter. On the 17th inst. at Lancing Vicarage, in the county:of-Sussex, the Lady of the•Rev. CHARLES GRIFFITH, M.A. of a son.
On the 13th inst. at Dundalk, Ireladd, the Lady of ARTHUR JOHNSTON,ER. M.D. of a son.
On the 15th inst. at Langley Park, the Right Honourable Lady ANNE Cn.trot- SHANE, of a son.
On the 13th inst. at the Manse of Drymen. Mrs. LOCHORB, of a son. On Saturday, the 18th instant, the Lady of G. W. NEwTost, Esq. Buccleugh Ter- race, Upper Clapton, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 18th inst. at St. George's Church, Hanover Square. W. TATTost Eons- TON, Esq. M.P. eldest son Of Wilbraham Egerton, Esq. of Tatton Park, Cheshire, and member for that county, to the Lady CRARLorrs ELIZABETH LOFTUS, eldest daughter of the Marquis of Ely. On the 13th inst. at Renishaw, the seat of Sir George Sitwell, Bart. RICHARD wi En MAN, of the Inner Temple, Esq. second eon of the late James Wildman; Esq. of Childbam Castle, to MARIANNE, youngest daughter of Cra,ufurd Tait, Esq. of Harviestou
On the 15th Inst. at St. Martin's Church, Lieutenant-Colonel BISHOPP, C.H. of the 14th Regiment, to CLARISSA Par LLIPPA LOGAN, fourth daughter of the Rev. M. Davison, Treasurer and Prebendary of Chichester Cathedral.
On the 4th inst. on board his Majesty's ship Madagascar, Captain the Hon. Sir ROBERT SPENCER.• - On the 13th inst.' at the Vicarage House, Wisbech, the Rev. ABRAHAM JoBSON, D I) vicar of that place, in his 85th year.
On the 11th inst. MARY, relict of the late Hon: and Rev. Francis Knolliim, Rector of Burthorpe, Gloucestershire, and Vicar of Burford, Oxfordshire, in her 78th year.
At Tor, Torquay, Mr. THOM/4AS Bowls, in his 95th year, after a short illness, retaining his faculties to the last. On the 10th inst. at Woolsthawood, in the parish of Nantwich, MARTHA Donn, In her 94th year. She had been a widow forty-oue years, and was the mother of .19 children, the grandmother of 46, the great grandmother of 91, and great-great.grand- mother of 2, making a total of 158. At the age of eighty she engagedberself as dairy-maid, and was several years in service at Radnor Green, near Congleton, where she had the management and care of twenty-Six ecriva. And, what is almost as ex- traordinary, her surviving sister, now in her 92nd year, walked from Seretl011
• Green, near Middlewich, a distance of more than ten miles, to attend her funeral at Wistaston.
On the 17th inst. at Edinburgh, suddenly, Dr COVENTRY, Professor of Agri- culture.
On the 22nd instant at Ampthill, Bedfordshire, MARGARET, widow of the Rev. Robert Hagar' ,Vicar chf Haynes, in ber,92nd year.. On the 9thinstant, at Matson Verte, St. Germain en Lege, General Vlseorete