THE KING.—His Majesty and the Queen arrived, as had been
ex- pected, at the Brighton Pavilion r,it Saturday afternoon. Prince George of Cambridge accompanied his Royal uncle and aunt, and the Duke .of Sussex preceded the party. The King rode out On Monday, and the Queen indulged in her favourite exercise of riding on the same day. The drives and rides of the Royal Family have been repeated during the week whenever the weather invited them. The marriage of Miss Fitz- clarence with Lord Falkland, which was to have been celebrated to-day, is put off till Monday. It Is hardly necessary to add our sincere wishes of a merry Christmas to the kingly owners and lordly guests of the. Pavi- lion, when so many of the elements of happiness combine to render it merry. PCIILIC PRAYERS FOR THE COUNTRY.—The Supplement to last night's Gazette contains an order of the Privy Council that the Archbishop of Canterbury shall " prepare forms of prayer to Almighty God on account of the troubled state of certain parts of the United Kingdom." It is further ordered that these forms of prayer shall be read throughout' Ireland and England ; and that the Established and Episcopal Churches of Scotland shall also put up their prayers respectively, because of the
same troubles. .
Ontosnetco Ororen.—The second seat at the Board of Ordnance has been tilled up by the Government in the appointment of Mr. Tennyson.; Lord Sandon, originally, as we understood, destined for it, having been appoInted Secretary of the Board or Coutral. The office of Surveyor- General of the Ordnance' is now vacant by the death of Lard .Althorp's ht.other, Sir. Robert Spencer: if is said it is not to be filled up. If it-be an UnneceSSary office, why was it tilled up before? sCiteiteii-rekroos.kcc.—It -appeaiCtimm the Gazette oflaSs night, that . 1140.1x1..(4.ey has still further provided: for one Of his numerous relatives. llis.Lordship's reverend ,brother E1cearil is pronildeff t,o'tite'Deanery Ilerefind.
Loot) Boovonem.—The Lord,-Chancellor passes -his Christmas with his venerable mother, at Brougham, Westmoreland. • • . . . . . .