Comatox Couilcm.—The elections of, Common Councillors hate- taken place duriog
the week ; the old members have been for the most ; part returned, unless where they have veluntarily declined standing.
Tint LONDON MILITIA.—Mr. Pearson had a motion respecting this formidable corps, which he intended to submit on Monday to the Com- mon' Council; but was diverted from his purpose, by a letter from Sir Claudius Hunter, who is at present busy in the country, committing . offenders and quenching sedition, and has no time to attend to common- place matters. Sir Claudius's letter, which is addressed to Lord Mayor - Key, was read at the meeting, with the appropriate accompaniment of TOarS of laughter.
" Mortimer, near Reading, Dee'. 11.
• " My Lord—I have received a letter from Mr. Pearson, stating his intention to • say something about the Royal London Militia, and myself, as the Colonel. I am • sorry I cannot be there. Amongst other reasons, the disturbed state of the counties of I/ants and Berks, for both of which I am an active magistrate, and the alarm- tires that surround us, call for hourly care; and as London is in comparative • peace, f prefer staying where i can do the Most public good. " I•kuow Mr. Pearson is greatly mistaken in his views of the Militia and myself; • and he may be led by mischievous people to make statements which are altogether ' untrue: One he spoke to me about the other day, that I received IOU/. a year for' payingthe men. Now I never paid a man in my life. There is 1.0Ut, a year allowed' , me by the Lieutenancy, to find repairs, coals, candles, and the pay of certain seN-- vants fur the care of headquarters, and. for the, supply of other matters ; and know Of no other money whatever. When the mischief is over hereabouts, and I••• am released from my attendance at Winchester, whither I must goon Saturday next; having fully committed twenty-two poor men for capital felonies, I shall be happy to come -to London and explain to a Committee of the Court all that I know on • the • -subject. I must add, that I have had, in former times, nitwit reason to respect that Daum-and I ardently hope I may have reason to respect and regard it again. I am, • ' with gxeat respect and affection, your Lordship's faithful humble servant, CLAUDIUS STEPHEN nox-rea," This is a fair specimen of the enlightened choke of Lords-Lieutenant,- whose privileges the Duke of Wellington and' Lord Eldon are so anxious .: ospreserve.
Loovn's.—Mr. Carruthers' motion for discontinuing the allowances,. granted since 1816, to the Committee of Lloyd's, was carried by a great majority, at the special general meeting ' of the subscribers on Wednes- day. Should the resolution be confirmed at the next general meeting, a saving to the establishment of about 8001. per annum will be effected. -