25 DECEMBER 1830, Page 13


Miss INVERARITY'S third appearance in Cinderella, on Tuesday evening, drew the most crowded audience that this theatre has boasted since the beginning of the season—except, of course, the night of the Royal visit. The young performer was free from that timidity which had hitherto subdued, in some degree, her vocal powers. She seemed to feel that she stood before an audience whose favour she had already gained ; and thus exhibited an ease _ and self-possession, accompanied-vvith great modesty, which Made her. appear to infinite advantage. She accordingly More than jus- tified the praise which we last week felt ourselves called upon to .award to her ;• exhibiting every one of the qualities we then pointed put, _and each of them in a higher degree. Notwithstanding the constraint and occasional awkwardness, the effect of her total in- experience, we think she will turn out not merely a first-rate singer, but also an agreeable actress. At present, she dares not venture to express the feelings of her part by•the natural gestures which those feelings would spontaneously produce in real life; and she therefore • either remains motionless in situations where ani- mated gesture is required, or has recourse to attitudes and mo- tions.which are evidently the result of tuition. We know it is the custom for young actors and actresses to prepare to meet the public gaze by airing lessons in acting ; and a miserably bad custom it is. To take a few lessons in pronunciation, or in elocu- tion, may often be useful; but lessons in the art of hanging the head, stamping the foot, starting back, or throwing the arms about, by way of expressing grief, anger, fear, or agitation, can have no other effect than that of producing a puppet-show style of acting, of which our theatres afford too abundant specimens. Miss INVERARITY has no need of any such instructions. She has an eloquent eye, that knows both how to sparkle and to languish ; end her intelligent features are always animated with an expres- sion which shows how earnestly her mind is engaged in her part. Her. voice, in speaking, • too, is sweet and melodious ; and her graces of person (though we have disclaimed their influence in 'judging of her vecal qualities) are a most important requisite in thelormation of an actress. If, then, we might presume to ad- vise, we would say to Miss INVERARITY, that she would do well to have recourse, in acting, to no other teacher than Nature. Her personation will, for a time, be rather tame, • and deficient in warmth ofcolouring ; but, in following Nature, she will follow a guide who will lead her. -forward surely, if slowly, in the direct road to excellence.

Miss.lsivEamurstivas very ably supported by ,MR. .WILSON,; Whose powers, on every successive appearance, are more and more fully displayed. None of his previous parts were calculated to-do him. justice. He made. a favourable impression, indeed, by the ,viw in which. he sung the two or three ballads which belong to the insipid part of Den Carlos; but this 'impression Was 'riearly.de- stroyed by the miserable Carnival of 'Venice, in vrhich he had to sustain ae still •rnore‘worthleas Wit ; ffl ane, too.,-1.j.kedeemeil a single bar of good intMe.t"Ths perfolmance of the Prince, how- ever, has now, we think, 'established his reputation. . 11