Sir : Mr Mottram reveals a remarkable ignorance both of
social conditions in this country, and the Government's intentions with_ regard to anti- discriminatory legislation.
In the first place the extent of discrimination against coloured people applying for employment. accommodation or the use of services is very severe and amounts to the 'persecution or exploita- tion of another racial group' which Mr Mottram
admits is undesirable. The PEP survey of discrimina-
tion in England showed that 70 per cent of im- migrants with trade qualifications and 44 per cent of those with school-leaving qualifications had actually experienced discrimination when applying for jobs. In forty-five out of sixty tests undertaken in applying for accommodation in the private sector, West Indians were discriminated against either by the charging of higher rent, or fees, or by the absolute refusal of accommodation.
Coloured English girls and boys leaving school in the next few years will experience this persecu- tion despite their nationality, their birthplace, their cultural heritage and their education.
Mr Mottram's distinction between the English and the Immigrant, even if valid now (which it is not), could certainly not be upheld for those who are at present leaving school and are already ex- periencing the discrimination which forces them to settle for second-class jobs, ghetto living condi- tions and second-class citizenship in everything but law.
Secondly, Mr Mottram completely misinterprets the intentions of the Government in its decision to extend the Race Relations Act. Nobody is hoping to legislate against prejudice, but merely to limit the extent of discrimination which is the expression of prejudice. From all comparable experience in other countries it is clear that without an official and legal disapproval of all forms of colour or racial discrimination, there cannot be a framework within which action can be taken to minimise and eventually eliminate the persecution and exploita- tion to which your correspondence refers.
Martin Ennals Information Officer, National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants. 6 Tilney Street, London WI