25 AUGUST 1928, Page 24

More Books of the Week (Continued from page 245.) A

few years ago an historian wrote of Tutankhamen : " He was born and he died. That is almost all we know of him." Since then the discoveries of Lord Camarvon and Mr. Howard Carter have made him one of our most famous historical characters. Mlle. G. R. Tabouis collects all that is known of him in Le Pharaon Tout Ank Amon : Sa vie et son temps (Payot, 25 frs.), and in addition she gives to her biography a very charming background from our general knowledge of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The book is typically French : it contains chapters on the infancy of Tutankhamen, his marriage, his harem, his eternal repose ; without much straining it could have been published as L'Amour chez les Egyptiens. None the less it is a serious and well studied work and an excellent reconstruction of the age of Tutankhamen. Mr. Weigall has done nothing better.