A Mr. WALTER LACY, from the Liverpool Theatre, made his
debt at the Haymarket on Tuesday, as Charles Surface. Though a useful acquisition to that company, he does not All a void on the stage ; the gay gallants and fine gentlemen of comedy are still without a represen- tative. He is a personable man, with a showy figure, a smart manner, sad that boisterous vivacity and confident self-complacency which pass for ease and gayety with the vulgar. The flashy Charles was fitly mated with a suspicious-looking Joseph, in Mr. E. GLOVER; WEBSTER, as Sir Peter, was stiff and grotesque ; and Miss TAYLOR, as Lady Teazle, flippant and affected : in a word, the comedy was under-acted—with the exception of Mrs. Groven's Mrs. Candour, which has the gusto of genuine comic humour, if it fall short of the highest refinement of artificial manners. Miss CoorEa, who played Maria, speaks as if she felt the force of what she says, notwithstanding the automaton-like de- liberation of her utterance; but she appears to want mobility of coun- tenance to give expression to her emotions. MACREADY'S engagement is brought to a close ; and with it the career of The Athenian Captive. Another new comedy by SHERIDAN KNOWLES is announced—success to it !—as well as one by But:SSTS/NE, and a farce or two.