My observation last week about "odd war-charities" has brought me
particulars of another, also run by a lady who styles herself "Founder and Honorary Secretary." Rather lost in the body of the report is mention of a President and a Treasurer, but the President wrote on April 1st to a correspondent that he had resigned his office. The purpose of the fund is to supply books, games and comforts to British prisoners of war in Germany, and the list of subscriptions to April, 1940,(I have last year's report before me) shows that for books and games a total of £42 5s. 6d. was obtained, £22 of this coming from one anonymous subscriber. The Prisoners of War Aid secured £61 6s. 6d., of which £50 was from one subscriber. But with the addition of one "personal donation" of LSo and another of the rather curious amount of £357 2S. I Id., a total of £583 6s. 6d. was achieved. I do not suggest for a moment that there is anything irregular about this, but a great deal of energy must be employed in doing work which large and established agencies are by the nature of things doing much better.