Again, there are those, and it is rumoured that Mr.
Lloyd George is one of them, who are profoundly dissatisfied with the large departmental Cabinet. They cannot pin down a series of deficiencies to individual Ministers, because each one is inter-related and part of Cabinet policy. They ask for a Milner or a Smuts. Such is the attitude behind those of all parties who in recent months have been urging stronger measures on the Government. After all, Sir John Wardlaw-Milne, who took part in more than one debate, is chairman of the Select Committee on National Expenditure, Lord Winterton has shown generous discrimination in his criticisms, and Mr. Hore-Belisha speaks with some knowledge of recent Cabinets. Mr. Shinwell and Mr. Clement Davies have been consistent and persistent in their lines of attack. The reply of the Government has not yet been made; it may be compelling and effective. Mean- while, it is vital to Parliamentary Government that the House of Commons should not be merely a registering body for an all-powerful Government.