Shor ter Notices We Were NOT All Wrong. By Geoffrey Mander,
M.P. (Gollancz 2S. 6d.) MR. MANDER'S thesis is simple. He discovers a tendency to excuse what he calls " The Municheers " on the ground that not only they but practically everyone else were wrong about both Nazi intentions and Nazi rearmament. That suggeqion he seeks to quash by quoting textually columns of speeches by Labour and Liberal M.P.s and others and some who, like Mr. Winston Churchill, were neither Labour nor Liberal, vs aming the Government of the inaccuracy of its information, the obscurantism of its attitude and the folly of its policy. On the whole, he makes his case, for what it is worth (which depends on how much such things matter at this moment) though the quotation of Mr. Attlee's defence of the Labour Party's vote against the • Service Estimates in 1938 and on other occasions does not quite dispose of the charge that the Labour Party pressed for a policy that might well lead to war and at the same time voted against the provision necessary for the waging of a successful war. This is a useful and competent piece of political pamphleteering, valuable, among other things, for its citation of more than one strong assertion of faith in the League of Nations by the present Prime Minister.