24 SEPTEMBER 1932, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, May I reply to Mr. Richardson that, where I said I was " Equally " certain that the Civil Service does not take the Oath of Allegiance, I referred to previous sentences (about the Army) and meant to convey that I was equally almost certain about the Civil Service ? And I added, " open to correction of course." He Ms corrected me, about the Civil Service, and I thank him.

Replying to " E. D." I can only say that, like the cooper in " Bride of Lammermuir," I stand reproved, "Meenister, an a man say mak? " I confused this Army Comrades Association with the " Old Comrades " who were all of the British Army.L—I am, Sir, &c., FRANCIS SPRING RICE.