24 OCTOBER 1896, Page 25

Catullus. Edited by Arthur Palmer, Litt.D. (Macmillan and Co.)—This is

a volume of the " Parnassus Library of Greek and Latin Texts," of which we have already noticed Mr. W. Leaf's "Iliad" and Mr. Page's " 2Eneid." The latter scholars has also edited " Horace," a volume which we do not remember to have seen. There is a brief "Life," a somewhat extensive criticism of the text, and a valuable addition, rendered possible, we suppose, by the brevity of the author, for we do not see it in the other volumes. Professor Palmer's conjectures are often ingenious, and once or twice convincing. This last may seem but moderate praise. Yet how few are the conjectures in the whole range of classical criticism of which so much can be said ! The volume has a very pleasant appearance.