24 OCTOBER 1840, Page 10



The fluctuations of the Money-market have not been extensive, the extreme quotations of Consols not varying more than 1 per cent. The tendency of the market has, however, been upwards; Induced, generally, by the pacific tone of the Parieian press atol the improvement of the French Funds, in conjunction with a greater abundance of money than has prevailed for some time. The business of the Stock Exchange lins not been important ; the weather having put a stop to the pigeon-expresses, and, consequently, to the activity of the speculators who avail themselves of this mode of conve.ying intelligence. Con- sols for Money have been as low as 866 ; between which twice and 87 they had fluctuated up to yesterday, closing at the highest price. he market load been for a moment depressed in the course of the dity by a sale of 100,V00/., made upon a report tlea t Frenell armv had entered Spam. The rise in the French Funds on \\Wino day produced a corresponding movement here; and the opening price \LOS S7, for Money and 87& for Account, and has since improved to S7,Is fur :Money and 874 for Account ; and after giving way s'iSi for :Money and for Account, and again reaching es7h for Money and 87 loot Account, has since been as low ns 87 for Money and S7,i- for Account—a depresebin of per cent , in consequence of a report being current that the Turks have evacuated Beyrout. The closing price is 87 to A for Money and 871 a for Account.

India Stork has been at 242, but has to-day improved, and is marked at 244.

The operations of the brokers usually employed by the Bank of England have excited considerable attention. Those gentlemen have been for some time large sellers of Stock for 3lopey, stool the tranefer is ahvays made by one of the Erm. It is believed that the Bank Directors, with a view to effect it sale of their Stock in to quiet and unobtrusive way, have transferred it into the names of their broker.; ii hose continued sales and transference of Stock are considered to be made it behalf of the corporation by whom they are employed. We have little I:oubt that the recent decline of Bank Stock is mainly attribut- able to tic distrust occasioned by these proceedings; the depression in this secutity derine the week has exceeded 4 iter cent., the quotation which on Monday was 16-Thavieg been yestel day ns low as 159h. The price at the closing the huoks previous to the Dividend on ad September was 1691, ohich is equal to a quotation or 166 without the Dividend the depression conse- quently loots been to the extent of Gol per cent. The price to-day is, how- ever, at an improvement of 2 per cent. 'moo that of yesterday, and the price has been IGO. and 1611e for Money, and 162 for Account. This improvement may be attributed to a reversal of the proceedings of the Bank broker, who, instead of etolliee Stock, has bought largely.

The rise in IC,: Foreign exchanges during the past week has been to the ex- tent of !seemly pee cent.; and though the exportation of bullion has not en- tirely ceased, it has been censiderably diminished. Exchequer Bills diminished on Wednesday to Is. premium, a large stile having Le en effected, which depressed these securities to that point : they have, Lowev en slightly revived, and have since been at 2s. to 4s. premium, but have given way to-day, and have been done at par, closing at par to 2s. premium.

The Foreign Vueds has e not experienced inuell fluctuation. Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents were depressed below 49, and were heavy at that quota- tion until to-day, m Len the improvement in the English Stocks has pro:deiced its usual trect upon them, and they are at 49a, being nearly as high as they were during the past week. There has been a demand for nanish Stock, and this security has heen current at an advance of 1 per cent. Russian Stock is nominally the same, viz. luS to 110. Brazilian and the other South American Stocks are without nueletiel vetriation, hut though the prices are nominally the same, the market is in reality firmer than at our last report. The abdication of the Queen Regent of Spain, to bich had been long expected, did not produce any very great etket upon Spanish Active Stuck: the decline occasioned was, however, to the extent of' nearly 1 per cent.. atal the price has been as low as

; but the intelligenee of too-cloy beieg too eurable and present appearances warranting the belief that the Lite re volution will be the last, the Bonds

have improved, end after le hog at 211. (oleo::: at 21 to imo Portuguese Securities have teen neglected, and the. fluctuation in them Ions not been important ; the prices of to-nay being nearly tl:e sante as cur last, and those of the week only mao-king a variation of ;!; per cent.


There has not Leen much doing in the English Funds, and Tithes have not varied beyond the mere turn of the market ; the opening price was 87,L, for Money amid S7SI A for the Account, and the quotations are the sem at present. Bank Stock has foceo quoted at 16e1A for 'Money and 162 for Account. Ex- chequer Bills are par to 2 prim. in the Foreign Market, the only business that has so.; urred Las lae it in Spanish Active Stock, which opened at 21 to .S„ and is now 21 to The next arrivals from Pais are anxioui•lv looked fur, though up to this mon:lout there are not any reports, and from de quiet state of the mallet tee should infer that the pigeen-expressee have not arrived.

31,er s 7l t • 5 per COWS. lid 07

Dies 871 Cohenhiati G per Cents ..... el] 2i

er • • ed i lXoiot,lo 3 per Cellis at per to, loin,, 95; i bosh 2f Coils . 494 :161 Nb•x:,,Il 5 per cmee C,itoh 241s lk•ttoue,,e lo,eucy ajar Cts. 31; 2; Bank ,• Exela• ht.'s . 1 Ix, 1.er C. o,i 0.0; 1.1