Friday's Times contains a telegram from Tangier which points to
the possibility of important developments in the internal conditions of Morocco. A body of the Pretender's cavalry has appeared at a spot a few hours east of Fez, is urging tripes in the neighboUrhood of the capital to join 'the Pretender's cause, and is apparently meeting with success. The whole country, states the Times correspondent, is weary of the present regime, and any change would be welcome. The distress throughout Morocco is pitiful, and foodstuffs in Morocco City are said to have risen by 700 per cent., while at Fez the situation is nearly as bad. The Makbzan and the Sultan are also accused of waiting for a further rise in prices before beginning to sell the corn stored in the public granaries. Meantime, want of rain and the depredations of locusts are threatening this year's crops. It is alleged that the Sultan and his Viziers, in spite of the ominous signs visible in so many directions, entirely fail to 'grasp the seriousness of the situation.