Mr. Basil Montague, according to the Morning Post, is to
be a can- didate for Finsbury. The electors will know better, we trust, than to eject either of their present Members.
It is, we understand, yet undecided who will be the Conservative candidates for the borough of Lambeth. That the Conservative power in this important borough will be stimulated into effective activity, there can, however, be no doubt. The Treasury has already made its determination fully understood to have candidates in its in- terest, and supported by its influence and its resources everywhere. The example is a good one.—/Iforning Post.
The anniversary dinner of the Artists' General Benevolent Institu- tion took place on Saturday last, in Freemason's Hall. Lord F. Egerton presided ; and was supported by Sir M. A. Shee and other artists of distinction.
The whole of the front of Sergeants' Inn, which projects into Chancery Lane, and is one of the oldest specimens extant of the wooden build- ings of London, is to be taken down immediately, to make room for an elegant modern structure.