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A Court of Aldermen was assembled on Tuesday to receive intel- ligence of the death of the King, and a notice from the Council Office, that a Privy Council was about to be held at Kensington Palace, which the Lord Mayor and Aldermen might attend if they chose. The Lord Mayor, accompanied by the Recorder,Chamberlain, Sheriff., Under Sheriffs, and several Aldermen, lost no time in proceeding to Ken. sington, Palace ; and having taken part in the ceremonies then and there performed, returned to the Mansionhouse. Alderman Brown then moved that an address of condolence and congratulation be presented to the new Queen ; which motion was agreed to. The same Alder- man then read an address which he had prepared. Some displeasure was expressed by Sir William Heygate and Alderman Venables, at the short notice they bad received of the meeting of the Privy Council at Kensington, whereby they were deprived of the honour of waiting upon her Majesty: but the address was voted without opposition, and the Court adj ourned.
Yesterday, at a meeting of the Common Council. an address of con- dolence and congratulation to the Queen was unanimously voted. The
Court of Aldermen had a meeting with closed doors : the subject of their deliberations, it is said, was some informality in the style of their summons to attend the meeting of the Privy Council at Kensington on Tuesday.