The Progress of Creation, considered with Reference to the Present
Condition of the Earth, is in reality a selection of some of the most remarkable phaenomena of the vegetable, animal, and physical worlds ; their uses being pointed out, and the consequent marks of design they display, with the wonted elegance of MARY ROBERTS. The formal purpose of the book, however, is to uphold the literal Mosaic account of the Creation, against the facts of geology and the ingenious interpretation of the profoundest Biblical scholars : " for,' quoth our amiable but ill judging author, " no theory, however plausible, can be admit- ted in opposition to the Divine Record,"—thos assuming the very matter in dispute. Upon this assumption, Miss RonEurs proceeds to make the facts of science bend to her interpretation of the yet undetermined expressions of revelation, and arranges her book according to the Mosaic order. As long as site sticks exactly to Genesis, she is, to say the least, vague and unsettled ; but with the third day,—when " God :aid, let the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the trees yielding fruit,"—Miss Roemiers turns front the conjectural to the known ; and thenceforth her beautiful little volume forms an instructive collection of striking facts, interspersed with amiable though occasionally obvious reflections.