The business here has been very unimportant. The Consol market was agi-
tated in a trifling degree on Tuesday, when the demise of his late Majesty hetiame known, from the uncertainty which hung over the political bias of the new Sovereign ; and this feeling was for a short time increased, by the confident assertions of the City Tories that the Queen had sent for the Duke of Wes- 1.11suvON,—advantage being taken of the Duke's attendance at the Privy Council to give a very different version of the cause of his appearance at the Palace. During the last few days, the prices of English Stock of all descrip- tions have been improving; the principal varieties being it per cent. above the quotations of last week. Money, however, is still very scarce, and interest at the rate of 5 per cent. is easily obtained for loans upon Exchequer Bills and other undoubted securities. This demand is in some degree attributable to the near approach of the close of the quarter ; when those portions of the public revenue which have been accumulating in the hands of the Receivers-General, are for a short period withdrawn from circulation to be paid into the Exche- quer. The existing pressure ought rather to be ascribed to a want of com- mercial credit, than to a scarcity of money ; and it is to this cause also that the recent advance in the price of the public securities may be referred, es, in the absence of any other safe mode of investment, our capitalists are forced into the purchase of Stock. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has given way about 2s. Bank Stock is, however, higher ; and has been quoted to-day at 207 and 2071, being more than 4 per cent. higher than the lowest price to which it fell upon the recent depression.
The operations in the Foreign Funds have not been such as to afford scope for
any remarks. Spanish Stock is about per cent. higher than on Saturday ; the market has, however, been in an unusually tranquil state. The other European Securities, as well as the South American Bonds, have continued at nearly our_twevious prices without any business of importance. The trans- actions in Foreign Bills on the Royal Exchange, both on Tuesday last and this afternoon, have been very limited; credit not having yet recovered the shock which it has recently experienced. The high rates of Exchange must, how- ever, operate as inducements to the importation of bullion; and our stock of coin is hence on the increase. The Railway Shares have not varied materially. A demand for shares for immediate delivery has led to an advance in the price of London and Birmingham ; but the business done in this variety has not been extensive. The approaching dissolution of Parliament has put an end to the inquiry which existed for the Shares of the various Brighton lines.
So little has occurred here this morning, that up to the present moment not a single bargain is marked in the official as having been effected in Consols for Account. Exchequer Bills have been done at 35s. prem. ; but all our other quotations of English Funds must be considered nominal. The Spanish and Foreign Stocks are generally at yesterday's prices ; as are the Railway Shares. London and Birmingham 53 55 prem. ; Great Western 7 8 prem. ; Southamp- ton 20 dis. ; Greenwich 5 dis. ; Brighton (Stephenson's) 21. 10s. ; ditto Gibbs's 53. lOs. ; ditto Cundy 7s. Gd. 12s. Gd. ; ditto Rennie's 15s. 20.. per
3 per Cent. Consols shut
Brazilian 5 per Cents. 841 Ditto for Account 911 1 Dutch 24 per Cents
534, I
3 per Cent. Reduced 904
Mexican 6 per Cent
21 2
Nos 34 per Cent. Anus
Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cie.
434 4
link Stuck
206 '207
Ditto 3 per Cent.
284 9 India Stuck stint Russian (182'2)5 per Cent ...
Ditto Bonds 31 3 pm.
Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent...
221 I
Exchequer hills 33 5 pm. Deferred Stock St Belgian 5 per Cents 100t 8 Passive Ditto 54 1 share.