The weather-glass has during the week been the prisium mobile of our specu- lators, and the price of Stock has risen or fallen as bad or fair weather pre- vailed. In the early part of the week, 150,0001. Consols were thrown upon the market by the Bank broker :-this operation was considered at the time as only the commencement of a series by which a commend would be established over the circulation, and means taken to curtail it if the importations of foreign corn should diminish the amount of bullion, and render such a course necessary. It appears pretty evident that a large speculation in foreign corn is already on foot, as several insurances on cargoes of wheat from Dantzic and other Northern ports have been effected at Lloyd's. The price of wheat has risen 4s. or 5s. today in Mark Lane: it seems probable that these operations will be extended, and that in the course of autumn a large amount of bullion will be required to pay for the wheat so purchased and imported, even though the price in our own market should not be such as to admit it to consumption at a low duty. The Exchanges have given way, and evince symptoms of a further decline ; the rates upon Paris, Amsterdam, and Hamburg, being about * per cent, lower than they have been lately ranging at. There has been a great demand for bills on these places during the last two days, principally on account of the corn-speculations above referred to. A very large failure has occurred at Vienna ; the firm of GUYMULLER and Co., which till this event ranked as the ROTHSCHILDS or BARINGS of Germany, having suspended payment. Its liabilities are stated at about 1,000,0001.; but the loss is chiefly felt by the parties in Germany to whom this house acted as agents, and will not fall heavily upon the mercantile world. There is a disposition among the specu- lators to operate for the fall of Stocks, the prices having been depressed about per cent, by speculative sales; and there can be little doubt that if any ex- tensive demand for bullion arise, the Bank Directors will be compelled to make money scarce, and that a depression of the prices of Public Securities will take place. The public, however, have continued their investments, and have almost entirely cleared the market of stock, the jobbers having been unable on several days recently to supply the demand for stock for immediate delivery ; this has been more particularly the case with the New and Reduced Three- and-a-half per Cents., which, as compared with the prices of 6th instant, (the day on which money transactions were resumed in the Stocks upon which the dividends have been recently paid,) have improved * per cent., while the prices of the Three per Cent. Stocks have not risen above 1 per cent.
Quotations Aver-
Quotations Aver- Improve.- on 6th July. age. on 27th July. age. mind.
Three per Cent. Reduced 891 i 891 .. 90 90
per ceut.
Three per Cent Consuls 891 8
8)1 . 891 891 4• .
Three-and-a half per Cent. Re- duced 981 91 99 .. 994 8 998 8 New Three - and- a- hal; per
Cents 981 * 988 .. 98199 93,1 „
Bank Stock, which had been 1711, has given way, and is today quoted at 170; while India Stock, which has been at 249, and again receded to 2484, has improved, and is today at 2494. The premium upon Ex- chequer Bills has given way slightly, and is quoted to-day at 13s. to 15s. In the Foreign Market, a decided impulse has been given to Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., in consequence of an improvement in the price of that stock in the home market. It appears that the Budgets for the years 1842 and 1843 have been prepared by the Administration, and that the expenditure will be provided for without having recourse to any increase- of taxation or any further loans. The feeling in favour of Dutch Stock, which has always been entertained by our capitalists, but which has been checked by the system until lately pursued of providing for a portion of the current divi- dends by the issue of new Stock, will doubtless be renewed by these altered circumstances. A purchase of 300,000 guilders, Two-and-a-half per Cents., was made yesterday by one of our principal brokers, at 51*; and today the price is 51i to 52, being an improvement of per cent, upon our prices of last week. The other Northern European Stocks are the same. Spanish Active Stock has not fluctuated materially : the improvement of 1 per cent. in Paris gave a temporary firmness to the market, and the price here improved to 20*; but it has again given way, without any business of importance, to 201.
An advertisement has appeared from the Portuguese Financial Agency, stating that persons who may henceforth convert their Portuguese Stock into New Five per Cents, pursuant to the decree of the 26 November last, will be entitled to a dividend upon the New Stock from 1st January last, instead of from 1st July,—thus in effect giving to those who may hereafter convert the half-year's dividend upon the amount of Stock arising from the over-due di- vidends, which had been forfeited by the previous non-conversion of the Bonds._ A statement of the amount of Stock converted since the 17th June has been published ; which is as follows- Stx per Cents. £41.600 0 0 Five per Cents. Regency 202,800 0 0 Five per Cents. 1837 161,300 0 0 Three per Cents 372,950 0 0 Debentures 1.201 10 0 Over-due Coupons 108,899 17 6 If this be added to the amount converted on 226 June 3,226,204 12 6 We shall find the whole amount of Old Debt converted to be £4,114,956 0 0 Against which has been issued the following amount of New Five per Cent. Stock, viz £3,098,200 0 0 Provisional Certificates 28,870 14 10 In all £3.127.070 14 10
Portuguese Bonds have been steady during the week, with very little doing; the improvement of the latter end of last week having been supported.
The Mexican and South American Stocks have been neglected, and the ap- pearance of improvement has not been continued. In the Railway Share-market, the Brighton have recovered from the ex- treme depression occasioned by the recent disasters, and have been steady be- tween 8s. and is. dis. The Blackwall are also firmer; the new issue of Shares being at from 3s. to 4/. prem. Great Western have also improved about 4/. per Share ; and generally these Securities are firmer. SATURDAY, TWALVR O'CLOCK.
The usual monthly statement of the Bank of England circulation, &c. exhi- bits an increase in every item : as compared with the previous statement, the Circulation has increased 189,0001., the Deposits 528,000/., the Securities 674,0001., and the Bullion 72,000/. The circulation is higher than it has ever been during the currency of the present year, but is considerably lower than it was in May 1839, although the present amount of bullion is greater than the quantity in store at that period: the circulation at present being 16,821,000/, and the bullion 5,170,000; whereas in May 1839 the circulation WU 18,214,0004 and the bullion 5,119,000/. The present amount of bullion in store is greater, indeed, than at any period since May 1839, and is more than double the amount of the months November and December in that year. The Bank Directors seem to have learnt wisdom from the severe lesson taught them in the autumn of 1839, when they were obliged to invoke the assistance of the Bank of France.
The Money Market is firmer this morning. The opening price of Consols for Money was 89i i; and after being done at 89a, the price has been forced up by purchases to 89*; price for the Account, 90 to *. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved Is., and is now 14s. to 16s. In the Foreign Market prices are generally the same. Columbian and Mexican are in de- mand; the former being at 19i 20i, and the latter 25i 6. There is a farther improvement in Brighton Railway Shares; and although the price is not so high as it has been, at is still at an advance on the closing quotations of yester- day; for, after being at 61 discount, the price is now 6-1 to 6* discount. The other Railway Shares are generally firmer; though we cannot quote any great improvement in the prices. SATURDAY. Form o'Crotur.
The market does not close so firmly as in the morning ; there being sellers- of Consols for Account at 90. Exchequer Bills have improved, without any transaction of importance having occurred; closing at 16s. to 18s. premium. India Stock has been done at 248i, and afterwards at 249*. In the Foreign Market prices are generally the same; Columbian and Mexican being firm at the quotations of the morning. Spanish Active has experienced a momentary improvement, and there have been buyers at 20*; but the price at the close was 20i *. Brighton Shares are rather firm, the last price being 6* dia.
3 per Cent. Consols
891 1 Columbian 6 per Cents 19/ 201 Ditto for Account 90 4 Danish 3 per Cents 774 24 3 per Cent. Reduced 901 Dutch 21 per Omits 618 2 31 per Cent. Ditto 988 8 Mexican 5 per Cents. Consd. 254 6
New 31 per Cents
981 9 Portuguese Regency Spec Cts. 30t * Batik Stock 171 Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841.. 261 1 Exchequer Bills 14 16pm Ditto 3 per Ceuta 18/ 1 India Stock 249
Russian Spec Cents ..... ...
113 14 Brazilian 3 per Cents 67 8 Spanish (Active)
201 i
Belgian b per Cents 100 1