24 JULY 1841, Page 13


Lord John Russell has again entered the married state. His bride is Lady Frances Anna Maria Elliot, the second daughter of the Earl of Minto. The ceremony was performed by special licence, on Tuesday the 20th, at five o'clock in the afternoon, at Minto House, near Hawick, the seat of the Earl of Minto. The Reverend Gilbert Elliot officiated : principal company, the bride's parents, the Earl and Countess of Minto, her brother, Lord Melgund, Admiral George Elliot, Captain Elliot, Lady Elizabeth Elliot, Lord and Lady Dunfermline, and Lord Edward Russell; bridesmaids, the Misses Richardson. Lord and Lady John Russell started at six o'clock for Bowhill, the seat of the Duke of Bue.cleuch, near Selkirk; where they mean to remain till the second week in August. A grand ball was given to the family-tenantry in the evening by Lord and Lady Minto ; and invitations were issued for a sumptuous fête on the following day.

The Morning Chronicle says of Lord John Russell's address to the electors of London, "The time at which this document appears attaches to it a peculiar importance ": it was issued the day before Lord John's marriage ; and it appears in the page of the Morning Chronicle opposite to a flaming account of the wedding. The electors of London may well feel proud, since Lord John propitiates the freemen and Hymen with alternate offerings.

More favourable accounts have been received in town of the health of the Marquis of Lansdowne ; but he still continues confined to his chamber at Liege.

Lord Howick broke up the whole of his domestic establishment on Saturday last. It is understood that Lord Howiek has made arrange- ments to spend the remainder of the summer and the autumn on the Continent. A seat in the Commons is not at present the object of the noble lord's wishes.—Newcastle Journal.

Of Mademoiselle Rachel the Standard says—" We have heard that this gifted young actress is devoting nearly the whole of her spare time to the study of the English language, with a view to her appearance on our stage in some of the principal characters in the plays of the old masters."

The Tory papers are quarrelling as to the constitution of the future Tory Cabinet, and various rumours are put forth and contradicted. But the Speakership is the greatest source of dispute. The Morning Herald says that the reelection of Mr. Shaw Lefevre will not be op- posed: a correspondent of the Standard says that as soon as it was known that Mr. Goulburn would accept the offer which had been made to him of the House Office, Sir Eardley Wilmot, the Member for North Warwickshire, was fixed upon for the Speakership. Mr. Charles Wynn has also been mentioned, as usual.

Tuesday's Gazette announces the appointment of Mr. John George Shaw Lefevre to be a member of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commission and of the South Australian Commission. Colonel Toy. Tens has retired. Mr. Lefevre's name stands last in both commissions, Mr. Elliot's first, and Mr. Edward Villiers's second. Mr. Elliot was always placed at the head of the General Board ; but Colonel Torrens stood first on the South Australian Commission.

The Paris papers, which have been received up to Wednesday, re- new the report that the Hereditary Prince of Coburg, the brother of Prince Albert, is coming to France to marry the Princess Clementine.

The French and Belgian papers assert, in very positive terms, that negotiations are going on between M. Guizot and King Leopold for a very close commercial alliance, or it may be called union, between France and Belgium. According to the Memorial de la Sambre, a Bel- gian paper to which considerable credit is accorded, it is proposed to suppress the whole line of customhouses between Belgium and France ; to transfer the French line of customhouses to the Dutch and German frontier of Belgium, reserving to France the exclusive administration of that portion of the customhouse service ; and to make over to Bel- gium the whole amount of the customs-duties received on her frontiers by those French employes, with an additional sum of money equivalent to one quarter of the amount of the duties, which would be paid by France.

From Toulouse, a telegraphic despatch, received on Tuesday, an- nounced that the city was still tranquil. The official paper, the Moni- teur, gives the following account of the renewed disorders of the 12th .and 13th- " On Monday the 12th, in the afternoon, a great number of workmen quitted work and forced their comrades to imitate them. They went in a body to the Porte St. Etienne, and there seized in private houses pieces of wood and other materials for a barricade. Whilst the barricades were forming, some went to the Veterinary School, to get the students to join them. The latter refused ; and one of the rioters being sent to warn the authorities, was obliged to turn back, under penalty of being thrown into the canal. Ten barricades were made, and towards half-past four the rioters marched to the Prefecture. They were repulsed ; and seeing the numbers of troops, fell back behind the barricades. The rioters then got upon the roofs of the square, in which the Prefecture is, and flung the tiles on the soldiers below. The General [ Saint Michell was struck by a stone on the thigh. Another General had his horse wounded. Stones and tiles rained on the soldiers One of the mob, called Charvades, was bayoneted and died. While the riot on the 12th was going on, the Provisional Municipality, accompanied by officers of the National Guard, went to the Prefect and requested him to call out the National Guard. The Prefect [M. Mahan thought himself bound to give his consent. At nightfall the National Guard assembled on the Place du Capitole, occupied that post, and joined the troops of the Line in protecting the Prefecture. The rioters then demanded the release of the prisoners who had been arrested on the preceding days. The detachment of the National Guards stationed at the prison was forced, the door was attempted to be broken open, and one of the panels had given way, when the Provisional Mayor promised to release the prisoners on the following day under bail. On the 13th, assemblages more threatening than before invaded the streets at an early hour. Fresh barricades were raised, and the telegraphs of Toulouse and Blagnac were pulled down. Then it was that the Prefect decided upon leaving the town, and took his departure in a carriage prepared for him by the Provisional Municipality. On the same day, a band of rioters twice forced their way into the house of the Procureur du Roi, whom they sought with the intention of murdering him ; but whoa both times, happened to be from home. The post of the National Guards, stationed at the house, made no endeavours to prevent this. The persons who had been arrested were set at liberty."

Government took active steps to supply the want of proper authority in the town. Mr. Maurice Duval, the Extraordinary Commissary appointed to conduct affairs, arrived on Saturday. General Saint Michel and M. Plougoulm, the Procureur-General, who signed the proclamation announcing M. Mahul's departure, have been superseded; the former by General Rulhieres, and the latter by M. Nicias Gaillard. The General left Paris on Monday. More troops had been ordered to march into the town. The place, however, seems far from settled. On Friday evening there was a disturbance, provoked by some eighty sol- diers, who entered a coffeehouse singing the Marseillaise, beginning each chorus with "Down with the people of Toulouse!" The people threw stones, and two National Guardsmen were wounded in the affray. Some officers of rank, however, interfered, and nothing very serious occurred.

M. Mahul has published an explanation of his conduct, in the papers. He says that the Municipality recommended him to convoke the Na- tional Guard, and that at first he refused ; but when he was told that such a measure would restore peace and order, he felt bound to comply rather than to recur to military force. The National Guard, once con- voked, took possession of several posts, which were intermingled with the posts occupied by the troops of the Line ; and the military com- manders declared it was impossible for them to act against the people, in consequence of the position as well as sentiments of the National Guard. He had sent for troops to protect the Prefecture. Instead of troops, an officer came to advise him to withdraw, as the object of popular hatred. In that state of things, there was nothing left for hint to do but that which he did do. This explanation has not tended to lessen the uneasy feelings which the tumult has created in Paris.

That symptoms of a like turbulent spirit had been manifested at Montauban and in several other places, in consequence of the stringent fiscal measures of the Government, has been asserted and denied. The recent accounts from various quarters, however, are more alarming ; and it is certain that the operations of the tax-collectors have been re- sisted in Strasburg: the Mayor and Municipal Council had refused to assist the Government agents, and the Police had been ordered to do so instead. M. Humann's resignation began to be talked of on the Paris Bourse.

Some anxiety is felt in Paris as to the public peace during the ap- proaching fetes of the Three Days.

A tremendous hurricane took place in Paris on Sunday, commencing at six in the morning, and lasting till the afternoon, with violent gusts of wind and heavy falls of rain. It was feared that much damage was done.

The Augsburg Gazette mentions a political conspiracy which has been discovered in Naples, to proclaim the independence of Italy as one State. The conspirators, it is said, were few, and of little influence.

A. letter from Copenhagen, dated the 10th instant, states that the King of Denmark has sent Count Danniskjold Samsoe, the Director- General-of the Post-office, to London, to confer with the British Go- vernment respecting a reduction of the rates of postage between the two countries.

The Levant mail brings news from Constantinople to the 27th; but the German papers contain intelligence to the 30th. The announce- ment of the final acceptance of terms by Mehemet Ali had been received with a lively satisfaction by all classes of the population. It is said that the Porte had decided to diminish the amount of tribute to 250,0001. a year.

Lord Palmerston and Lord Ponsonby had declined the decorations offered by the Sultan as an acknowledgment of their exertions in his favour.

On the subject of the Candian insurrection, a letter from Constanti- nople, dated the 27th, says—" Yesterday, a frigate and four Turkish barks left here with troops and provisions and ammunition for Candia. It is reported that an engagement of importance has taken place, in which Tahir Pasha was severely wounded. His personal servants have gone down to him in the frigate."

From Alexandria the latest date is June 26th. On the 21st, the Medea steam-frigate, having on board Colonel Napier, arrived from Malta. The object of his mission was to demand the surrender of the Syrian troops who were retained in Egypt in the Pasha's service. For this purpose he waited upon Boghos Bey ; who, in reply to his application, said, "The Pasha was at present too much occupied to attend to the matter, but he would do so when he had arranged his affairs with the Sultan." The same evening, Mehemet All despatched a courier to Cairo, with instructions to Ibrahim Pasha to proceed to Alexandria ; and on the 25th, a salute of twenty-one guns announced his arrival at the palace.

By the packet-ship Oxford, papers have been received from New York to the 1st instant, one day later than those brought by way of Halifax. They contain no political news ; but some curious diplomatic letters are published. One is from Mr. Stevenson, the British Minister in London, dated March 8th ; another is from Mr. John Hare Powell, (who seems to have acted the part of Minister during Mr. Stevenson's temporary absence in Paris,) dated March 11th; and they are addressed to Commodore Hall, the United States Commander-in-chief on the Mediterranean station. The letters are written in a semi-official strain, warning Commodore Hull of the hostile aspect of affairs both in England and America in respect to the M`Leod question, and re- commending his return to America : "would it not be the most ju- dicious course," says Mr. Stevenson, "to get nearer home ? " Mr. PoweIrs letter, which was written with the concurrence of Mr. Rash, the Secretary of Legation, is somewhat of the alarmist order. The writer is much startled by the cheering of Lord Melbourne's assurance in the House of Lords, that " succour ' should be sent to Mr. M`Leod, and by the "violent and warlike tone" of the Committee of Congress on Foreign Affairs and the Legislature of Maine. Commodore Hull took immediate steps to comply with the suggestions in these letters.

At Philadelphia, the wreck of a large steamer had been reported off Cape Hatteras, in lat. 33 deg. 30 min. long. 75 deg. 20 min., burnt so near to the water's edge that the name was destroyed. Some sup- pose it to be the remains of the President.

Quarterly average of the weekly liabilities and assets of the Bank of England, from the 27th April 1841 to the 20th July 1841—


Circulation £16,821,000 Securities £22,275,000 Deposits 7,746,000 Bullion 5,170,000

