Melodies of Various. Nations. With Symphonies and Accom- paniments 'by
HENRY R. BISHOP; the Poetry by T. H. BAYLY. Vol. IV. •
Whence these melodiei are derived, is nowhere set forth in this work, though thisis a piece of information which ought not to have been with.
held. Not that any of them, as melodies, can lay claim to much origi. nality of thought or style. Mr. BISHOP'S own compositions will furnish hundreds that are better in every respect. The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, are the most pleasing of the set. The last is the intro- duction to the Overture to Der Freischiitz vocalized. All are of easy execution, and lie within the compass of most treble voices. Four are harmonized, and beautifully harmonized. Nothing can exceed the skill and pathos which Mr. Bisnor has thrown into the arrangement of the phrase commencing at the last bar of page 33. Indeed, the admirable taste which hi has displayed in that portion of the work which has been committed to kiln, has imparted to it its chief value.