SIR,—May I use your post-box to inform Britain's poets and dramatists of two competitions sponsored by The Poetry Society in celebration of the Shakes- peare Quater-Centenary? They are: (1), for a One- Act Poetic Play with a television playing time of twenty-six or fifty-two minutes, to be adjudicated by Christopher Fry and J. C. Trewin (prizes of £100 and £50); and (2), for a Sonnet in Shakespearean form; to be judged by Richard Church (prizes of £20, £10 and £5). Particulars of conditions, entrance fees and closing dates may be obtained by writing, with s.a.e., to the Hon. Secretary, The Poetry Society, 21 Earl's Court Square, London, SW5.
The prizes offered for the play competition have been made possible by the generous co-operation of Norman Collins, Esq., and Associated Television Ltd., who have the first option to read the winning scripts.
Chairman, The Poetry Society 21 Earl's Court Square, SW5