General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to W. F. Broadbent, Halefield, Wendover, Bucks.
Questions on Persian Art
I. What are the two main periods of Persian architecture ?
2. When was the Masjid-i-Jurn'a (Friday mosque) at Isfahan built ?
3. From where did the famous frieze of Archers come ?
4. What was the chief place where lustre ware was produced in tho twelfth century ?
5. What place next took the lead ?
6. Who was the most clebrated Persian painter ? 7.- What founder of a sect was believed to be a great painter in Sasanian times 7
8. Who was called " The Father of Persian Poetry " ?
9. Where was the famous silk from St. Josse-sur-Mer woven ?
10. What were, and are now, the chief centres of silk and velvet weaving in Persia ?
11. What scene is depicted in the rock carving at Bihistun ? 12. By whom was the Ardabil carpet, belonging to the South Kensington Museum, woven ?
13. What scene is depicted on the Poldi Telzoli carpet at Milan ?
Answers will be found on page 124.