24 DECEMBER 1842, Page 19


WAR OPTICE, Dec. 20.-7th Posit-Ensign T. L: Mayne, from the 25th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bishtou, who retires. 10th Foot-Lieut. H. E. Lougden to le Adjt. Nice Garvock, promoted. 12th Foot Eusign J. H. Carige, from the Slit Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Duff, promoted. 25th Foot-it. Smith, Gent, to be Eu• sign. by purchase. vice Mayne. promoted to the 7th Foot. 334 Foot-Ensign H. C. Fitzgerald to be Lieut. without purchase. vice Stuart, dec.; Eusign F. J. W. Kuollys to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Fitzgerald, whose promotion. by purchase. lies beau cancelled. 49th Fuot -Lieut. J. Heady to be Adjt. vice Browne, promoted. 50th Foot -Capt. C. W. James, from the 67th Foot, to be Capt. vice Murray. who exchanges ; Lieut. T. Crowe, from the Seth Foot, to be Ada. aud Lieut. vice Waddy, promoted. 60th Foot-Lieut. E. M. Love to be Capt. by purchase, vice Austin. who retires; Second Lieut. H. Robinson lobe First Lieut. by purchase, vice Lose; ./. Bailie. Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase. vice Robinson. 64th Foot-Lieut. W. H. Carter. from the 98th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Smyth, who ezchaoges. 67th Punt-Capt S. H. Murray, from the 50th Foot, to he Capt. vice James, who ezchanges. 71st Foot Limit. W. Hope to be Adjt. vice Whittingham. who resigns the Adjutancy only. 76th Foot-Lieut. C. S. S. Evans to he Capt. by purchase. vice Carey, who retiree; Ensign C. 0-Donoghue to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Evans; C. J. B. Prestow, (lent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice O'Donoghue. 81st Foot -W. Splaine. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Carige, promoted in the 12th Foot. 95th Foot - W. R. Maxwell. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Carew, promoted. 98th Foot -Lieut. J. 1). Smyth from the 65th Furst. to be Lieut. vice Caster. who exchauges.

Meworaadirie-The Christian names of Capt. Sibley, of the 62.1 Foot, are Charles William. The Christian names of Ensign Campbell. of the 49th Foot, are John Ball. Was-orrtor, Dec 23, l842.-Rojal Regt. Horse Guard,' -Gen. H. W Marquis of Anglesey. K.G. and G.C.B. from the 7th Light Drags. to be vice Gen. Viscount H111. deceased. 7th Regt. Light Drags.-Lieut.•Geo. Sir J. Kearney, to be Col. vice the Marquis of Anglesey, appointed to the Royal Regt. of Horse Gum ds. Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following officers to take rank, by Brevet, as uudermentioued; the Commissions to be dated Dec. 23 11442-Major G. 8rowue,41st Foot : Major G. Hibbert, 40th Foot: Meer T. Skinner, 31st Foot: Major J. Simmons, 41st Pout: Major G. H. Lockwood, ad Light Drags. to be Lieutenant- Colonels in the Army.

Capt. A Ogle. 9th Foot : Capt. G. Baldwin, 31st Foot: Capt. M. Smith 9111 Fait: Capt, F. Lushington. 9th Foot: Capt. F. White. 40th Foot. tube Maori in the Army. S lerlton alet Foot, vice Cul. T. Mackrell. killed iu actiou, to be Aide. de.Camp to the Queen, with the rank of Col, in the Army. Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following officers of the East India Company's Fumes, to take rank, by Brevet, in her Majesty's Army in the East I udie -Major G. Hoish, 26th Bengal Native lafautry. to be Lieut. Col. Capt R. Codriugtou. 49th Beugal Native Ineintry : Capt. T. Polwhele, 424 Bawl Native kifantry : Capt. F. Abbott. Bengal Engiueers : Capt. 'I'. E. A. Mapleton, 60th Bengal Native Infantry : Capt. G. Burney, 38th Bengal Native lufautry : Capt. J. T. Leslie. Bombay Horse Artillery: Capt. J. H. Cragie, 2001 Bengal Native lufautry; Capt. J. Ferns, 20th Bengal Native Infantry: Capt. G. C. Pousonby. llth Bengal Cavalry : Capt. J. Alexander. Bengal Artillery : Capt. W. Anderson, Bengal Ar- tillery: Capt. J. T. Lane. Bengal Artillery Capt. C. Blood, Itombay Artillery : Capt. W. Riddell-, 60th Bengal Native Infantry : Capt. H. H. Lae reuce, Bengal Artillery: Cape. T. H. Scott. 3leth Bengal Native luflutry ; Cant. D. F. Evans. 16th Bengal Native Infantry Capt. J. Macadam. 334 Boiled Native lufautry-to be Majors. Brevet Capt. F. Mackesnia, 14th Bengal Native Infantry, to have the local rank of Major in the Army in Afghanistan. Lieut.-Col. G. I'. Wymer. 38111 'knot Native Infautry, to be Aide•de•Canip to the Queen, eith the rauk of Col. in the East Indies.

Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following officers to halts rank, by Bre- vet, as uuder-mentioned -Wren C. Warren, 55th Foot: Major G A. Malcolm. 3d Light Drags. : Major D. L. Fawcett, 55th Foot : Major J. B. Gough, 3d Light Drags. : Major N. Maclean, 64th Foot-to be Lieutenant Colonels in the Army.

Capt. J. Paterson, 26th Foot: Capt. W. Greenwood. of the Royal Artillery: Capt. W. It. Faber, 49th Fool: Capt. A. 0 Leary. 55th Foot : Capt. H C. II. Daubeney, 55th Foot: Capt. ff. MacAudrew, 49th Foot: Capt. F. Waggon, 18th Foot ; Capt. F. Whittiugham, g6th Foot-to be Maj es in the Army. Lieut..Col. C. Campbell. 98th Foot ; Lient.•Cul. P. E. Craigie, 55th Foot: Limit.• Col. E. Morris. 49th Foot, to be Aidee.de.Camp to the Queue, with the rink of Colo- nels in the Army. Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following officers of the Royal Marines to rank, by Brevet, us uudermeutioaed -Capt. J. Whitcomb : Capt. F. S. ilamillou- to be Majors in the Army. lier Majesty has been pleased to appolut the following officers or the East India Company', Forces, to take rank, by itrevet, in her alivaisty'e Amy in the East ladies -Major F. Mandell, Madras Artillery : Major C. W. Young, 14th Madras Na. tile lufautry Major J. Campbell, 41st Madras Native lutiunry- to be Lieutenat• Colonels.

Capt. W. Ii. Simpson, 36th Madras Nntive Infantry: Capt. F. A. Reid, 6th Madras Native Infantry: Capt. It. Shilrelf, :el Madras Native Infantry: Capt. 'I'. T. Pears, Madras Engineers; Capt. R. C. Moore, Madras Artillery-to be Majors.

AniumaLrY. Dec. 23.-Naval pi emotions which have takes place in consequence ofthe recent ear in China-H. Bujes, Esq.: C. Frederick, Esq.: C. alcherde, Esq.: H. Kellett, Esq.: II. B. Watson, Esq.; W. H. A. Morehead, Ewe: It. Culausau. Seq.: E. N. Truubridge. Esq. commanders-10 be Captains. J. Tudor. Eine the lion. East India Company; R, B. Crawford, Esq. J. J. M'Cle. verty, Esq. the Hon. East India Company : C. Wise. Req.: U. Skipwali. Esq.: J. 0. Harrison, Esq.: C. Slimmer, Esq J. Fazjaines, Esq.: H. C. Ilawktus, Esq.: J. Stuffilart, Esq.; P. A. Helpman, Esq. Lieuteuauts-to be Commanders. Mr. H. Clarke : Mr. A. T. Freese, the Hon. Beet India Company : Mr. E. L. Straugways, the lion. East India company: Mr. E. W. Viumettart : Mr. A. II. Fleury: Mr. 11. F. N. Rolfe: Mr. A. (emetic : Mr. H. S. Hillyar: Mr. H. Phelps; Mr. A. Anderson : Mr. G. H. Hodgson: Mr. N. Vausittart : Mr. C. K. Jackson-Mates, to be Lieuts. Lu affilitiou to the above pmmotions, orders have been transmitted to to V ice•Acimiral Sir W. Parker, the Commander.in Chief, to report, fur promotion, the name,' of the senior Lieutenants and senior Mates of ships engaged ; the viervieus of which ships shall, iu his opinion, entitle them to such reward, and who *ball not be included to the foregoing list.