That is very satisfactory, but we should like to make
an observation thereon. If Lord Kitehener, as one gathers from the message, means later to make a great recruiting appeal to the country—notice he says not if. but when—be will be well advised if he makes special preparation for that appeal. By "special preparation" we mean that he must as a preliminary conduct something in the way of a military eenans. He must find out where are the places from which too low a percentage of men not occupied in Government contracts or other neces- sary work have enlisted, and next, he most make arrange. ments for putting special pressure upon the very large classof men whom we can beet describe as the irresponsible bachelors —men between the ages of eighteen sod twenty-five. The married men of riper years have done more than their share. The class we have just described have done leas. It is from this class that the new recruits moat be specially called for.