24 APRIL 1909, Page 32


[To TEE EDITOR OF TRH "SFICOTATOR.1 SIR,—I find that my article, In the Time of Lilies," published in the Spectator of April 10th, had previously appeared in the columns of the Academy,—i.e., on February 13th last. While deeply regretting the mistake, may I point out how it arose? Some considerable time ago I submitted the article to the Academy. As far as I know, however, the editor of the Academy did not acknowledge the receipt of the MS., either before or after it was printed. I never received a proof. I concluded, therefore, that the MS. had been rejected, and sent the article to the Spectator without the least idea that it had previously been accepted by anybody else.—I am, Sir, &c.,


[We fully understand and accept Miss Wilson's explanation. The safe plan is only to have one fair copy of an MS., which thus acts like "the staff" in the block system on a railway, by which all possibility of collision is avoided. The MS. cannot be sent to editor No. 2 till it has been returned or accepted by editor No. I, or till the latter has been interrogated as to its fate.—En. Spectator.]