We have received some further statements and correspondence respecting the
dispute between the Royal Institution of Scotland and the Royal Scot-
tish Academy of Paiuting, Sculpture, and Architecture. The Institution has formally withdrawn the personal imputations which it had made against the President and Council of the Academy, with an apology. But the dispute on substantial matters continues. The Institution still uses the letter of its authority to resist the equitable claim of the Academy. Its own accountant has substantiated, by an analysis of the accounts, the ac- cusation made on the opposite side, that by a very unfair apportioning of expenses and profits, the Institution saddled undue charges on the exhibi- tions of modern pictures, and thus withheld from the Academy its proper emoluments. To describe in general terms the actual state of' the dispute, there is not so ill a feeling on the part of the Institution, but it still refuses substantial justice.