The Home Office circular dealing with the formation of a
Volunteer Police Reserve was officially published on Wed- nesday. The circular, which is addressed to chief constables, points out that although the immediate need for special constables has ceased, it is thought desirable to form a per- manent classified register in every police district of persons whose services would be available to assist the police in serious emergencies without dependence on military aid or assistance from neighbouring forces. The First Police Reserve should consist of men accustomed to discipline who have served in the Police or Army. They should be taken into the service on a limited engagement, could wear a uniform if it was thought desirable, would receive pay, and, in the event of death or injury, would be eligible for pension and gratuity under the Police Act of 1890. They would be regularly employed on police work, taking the place of reservists and constables withdrawn for special duty or guarding points exposed to special risk of attack. The "Second Police Reserve" would consist of all those registered as willing to be sworn as special constables, and should be classified according as they are paid or unpaid, any Govern- ment contribution being given only in respect of men who possess the necessary qualification of good character and physical fitness.