23 SEPTEMBER 1843, Page 11

Those who have French correspondence should attend to the follow-

ing notice, which has been put up at the General Post-office in St. Martin's-le-Grand.

" General Post (Ace, September 1843.

"'With reference to the notice issued from this department in May last, re- specting the new postage communication with France, as it would appear that some misapprehension exists respecting the uniform rates en lettere between that country and the United Kingdom, it must be understood that the French uniform rate of 5d. single, and so on in proportion, has reference to those letters only Me postage of which is paid, whether on despatch or delivery, in the United Kingdom ; but that it the French rate be paid in France, it then varies according to the distance, in conformity with the laws of France. The British rate of 5d. single, &c., is the same whether paid in the United King-

dom or in France. By command, W. L. MABERLY."