It is understood that Sir John Herschel will succeed Mr. Shell as Mas- ter of the Mint. This appointment will no longer be held by a Member of Parliament, and the salary will be reduced to 15006. a year.— Times.
It is stated that the Government have detexmined to extend the Me- tropolitan Police to a circuit of twenty miles from the Metropolis, and the Commissioners are now effecting the necessary arrangements for such ex- tension.—Standard.
Last night's Gazette notifies that "the Queen has been pleased to-ap- point Alfred Tennyson, Esq., to be Poet Laureate in ordinary to her Ma- jesty, in the room of William Wordsworth, Esq., deceased.'
The Gazette also announces the appointment of Mr. Samuel George Bonham, Governor of Hongkong, and Sir George William Anderson, Governor of Ceylon, to be ordinary members of the Civil Division of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders, of the Bath.