23 MAY 1835, Page 7


The Committee of the Court of Common Council assembled on Monday, to discuss the conduct of the Lord Mayor, Mr. Pritchard presented the report of the sub-committee appointed to consider the matter in dispute between the Common Council and his turbulent Lordship. The report entered into a detail of the various proceedings connected with the quarrel, and concluded by declaring, that the present Lord Mayor and his predecessor had endeavoured to frustrate the objects of the Corporation Commissioners. The report was almost unanimously agreed to; and it was resolved that the Committee should meet again on the following Thursday ; but the hall-keeper informed the Committee that he bad been commanded by Mr. Win-

-chester not to summon any more meetings of the Committee, and pro- duced the said Winchester's order to that effect. This announcement of course made the gentlemen highly indignant.

Between two and three hundred gentlemen, connected with the Li- beral party, held a meeting on Thursday, at the British Coffeehouse in Cockspur Street, for the purpose of establishing a Reform Associa- tion on a comprehensive plan. We take the following account of what passed from the Courier The venerable Reformer, Mr. Coke of Norfolk, having been called to the chair, Lord Ebrington said, it was well known that a certain party in the country Wes now actively engaged in forming Political Clubs, designated Conservative Associations, the object of which was to obtain a power over the constituency which might check the progress of the wholesome reforms essential to the wellbeing of the country. In ordinary cases, he was averse to the formation of political associations or clubs; but there was a necessity for counteracting the exertions of those who had organized meetings and associations, not only in the Metropolis, but all over the country. He had, therefore, to propose the forma-

tiros of a Reform Association, to insure the registration of the electors of Grime Britain, and to protect them in the independent exercise of the franchise. His

Lordship then unwed a series of resolutions for the formation of the Associrs- tine, with General Committee and Sub- Committee of Finance, &c. The reso- lutions state, that the objects of the Association should be strictly limited ter abtain information of the numbers and other circumstances connected with the local constituencies ; to procure knowledge of the organization and rules of of existing local societies for the registration of voters; to promote the formatims of associations for registering in every county and town, and in parishes and districts, where none now exist ; to suggest plans fur organizing an uniform Bya- tem ; to prepare and distribute for publication digests of the Reform Acts, local qualifications, electoral rights, and returns of local societies; and to counteract, by every lawful mode, the undue influence of Eucieties now formed under the name of Conservative Clubs. The resolutions also bore, that all Reformers contributing an annual subscription of U. he admitted members of the Associa- tion; that Committees be appointed, and rooms immediately taken for the purposes of the Association by the noting Committee; and that :Messrs. Prescott, Grote, Co., and Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph, and Co., be bankers to the Associa- tion. It was also proposed, that an address to the People be prepared by the Acting Committee, as explanatory of the objects of the Association, and pub- lished in the London and( Provincial Papers, and that the leading members of the Liberal party throughout Great Britain should be invited to join the Asia. elation.

Mr. Grote seconded the resolutions, in a neat and forcible speech.. The other speakers were, Mr. Baines, Mr. Home, Mr. Harvey, and Mr. Ellice ; a vote of thanks to Mr. Coke, the chairman, on the mo- tion of Mr. Gisborne, was carried ; and the following gentlemen were appointed the Acting Committee.

Mr. Coke, Mr. Bannerman, Mr. G. Bring, Mr. H. L. Bulwer, Mr. J. R. Carter, Mr. W. Clay, Lord Ebrington, Colonel Evans, Mr. E. Ellice, Sir R. Ferguson, Mr. Gisboroe, Mr. Grote, Mr. Hume, Mr. lIedworth Lunbtas, Mr. C. S. Lefevre, Mr. William Marshall, Mr. Stewart Mackenzie, Mr. Lloyd Mostyn, Mr. William Ord, Mr. James Oswald, Mr. C. A. Pelham, Mr. E. W. Pendarves, Sir Robert Price, Mr. A. C. Spiers, Mr. Edward Strutt, Mr. Thomas Thornely, Mr. Henry Warburton, Mr. H. G. Ward, Mr. G. Wilbra- ham, and Sir James District Committees, to attend to the Registration of Reformers; have been established in the Tower Hamlets, Finsbury, Southwark, Lambeth, Brentford, Hammersmith, and Chelsea. Preparatory measures are taking for their formation in Uxbridge, Marylebone, St.. Pancras, Edmonton, Tottenham, Enfield, Hainpstead, Highgate, Ilendon, Edgeware.