The Irish Society gave Lord Fortescue a public dinner at
the Albion Tavern, on Wednesday, on the occasion of his appointment to the Lord- Lieutenancy of' Ireland. The Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord Morpeth, Mr. O'Connell, and several other Members of Parliament were present.
The sum of 8891. 108. was subscribed, on Wednesday, at the annual dinner of the supporters of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund, at which the Duke of Cambridge presided.
A splendid steam,vessel, of 800 tons burden, was launched at Dept- ford on Saturday. She is called the Nicholai ; and was built for the Em- peror of Russia, to ply as a packet between Lubeck and St. Petersburg.
On Thursday last, as a van was proceeding along Broad Street, St. Giles's, carrying a looking-glass of immense size and value, belonging to the Bishopsgate Glass-manufactory, it came in contact with a cont- ort, in consequence of the bad condition of the street, and the glass was smashed into a thousand atoms.