The Standard of this evening publishes, exclusively, important news from its Paris correspondent. The negotiations with Swim anti Timms have been broken off, by the positive refusal of Louts PHI- LIPPE to comply with the terms which he bad pledged himself to accept, when stated in the progrannoe given in by these statesmen. The arrangements had proceeded so far that Soursr's appointment as Presideut of the Council had been actually signed by the King, and countersigned by BAWnIE, time Chancellor. CUSINGIUDAINE, who had been called upon to supply the vacancy caused by the resignation of V1LLEMA1N, refused to join in the new combination; but that difficulty was overcome by placing two departments, those of Commerce and Public Works, under one Minister. DurArnE ; when Tit tans, no doubt suspecting treachery, demanded a final and personal interview with time King, in order to as- certain the terms on which he was really about to take office. His pre- elution was well-founded : Loris PHILIPPE disclosed his resolution not to yield the points on which he had in the first place insisted and only appeared to relinquish. Ile refused to extend the assi,:tance hitherto given to the Queen of Spain ; and he would not permit Con.r.os; BAn- myr to be the Ministerial candidate for the Presidency of the Chambers. Tnisats tendered his resignation ; which the hypocritical King pro- fessed to accept with sorrow. The resignation of Minns put an end to time negotiation. At a dinner given by Siouta. on Thursday, it was resolved that the King's term us should not be complied with ; and Louts Po LUPE must recommence his intrigues. Timms may congratulate himself on having escaped the snare laid for his embarrassment or de- struction. The difficulty of procuring- lamest and able men to act under Louts Pntiseet: must have been much increased by his late conduct. The Paris Funds fell when the breaking-up of the negotiations was an- nounced.