At a Court of East India Directors, held on WedneSday,
Sit Charles Forbes called attention to the trade in Hill Coolies— An order in Council bad been sent out, directing the Indian Government to suspend the regulation for allowing the transportation 'of those • poor poople. But it nppeared that the trade had gone on after that order _had- gone out. Me had received a letter from Calcutta, in which the writer saidea" Au order in Council arrived some time ago to prevent the transportation of Hill Coolies; bat, so supinely leIS the Government acted on it, that only a few days ago the interdict was published. During the intermediate time, the Cooly ngents were not idle, of comae ; and I can state, from my own knowledge, that the Forth, bound to the Mauritius, is now proceeding down the river, with 300 Coolies on board." He wished to know when that order in Council was published in India, and at what date the despatch containing it was received in that country ? lie requesteil elso to know, whether time Directors hal turned their 'humane attention to providing sonic kind of protection for those unfortuoate risoils when they re'rived in -the celenies? The Chairman could not state at what precise date the order in 'Connell was received at Calcutta. The order of the Directors was -tifear•and cliirlet—nainely, that it should be carried into effect Immo-
' (fiat*.